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10 Supposedly Healthy Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again.

10 Supposedly Healthy Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again.

Many people think eat healthy.

But on closer inspection, is this really the case?

Not so sure ! Because some foods that we think are "healthy" are actually unhealthy .

The problem is the labels and marketing messages on the packaging.

To sell their products, manufacturers do not hesitate to use ambiguous terms, the meaning of which is confusing.

For example, "sugar-free" products , "100% natural" or even "organic" .

So, to make your life easier, here is a list of 10 so-called "healthy" foods you should never eat again.

10 Supposedly Healthy Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again.

Yes, many foods thought to be healthy are not.

Some are packed with sugar and others can cause serious complications for your body.

There are also those that can totally throw your hormonal balance out of whack.

And of course, let's not forget those foods that contain far too many chemical compounds in their ingredients.

To help you eat healthy and avoid the label trap, here are the 10 “healthy” foods you should avoid at all costs. Watch:

1. Fruit juices

10 Supposedly Healthy Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again.

Most people are dumbfounded when they learn the truth about fruit juices.

Yes, fruit juices are not as healthy as you thought.

First of all, most fruit juices sold in supermarkets are pasteurized , for conservation reasons.

Unfortunately, this process destroys most of the nutrients fruits.

Indeed, by heating the fruit juice, we attack its chemical integrity and its vitamin and mineral intake.

In short, if your fruit juice is not freshly squeezed, it's like drinking fragrant fructose with fruit flavor.

If you squeeze your juice at home, a glass here and there obviously won't hurt.

But if you consume it every day, the sugar content of fruit juices is so high that it can harm your health because it raises your blood sugar level .

On average, the fructose concentration of a fruit juice amounts to 45.5 grams per litre , according to a 2014 study published in the medical journal Nutrition .

To compare, know that sodas contain 50 grams of fructose per litre .

Basically, when you drink a 25 cl glass of orange juice, it's like consuming 4 oranges within minutes!

Compare this time to the time needed to eat 4 oranges and you will quickly understand that to benefit from the nutritional values ​​of fruits, it is better to eat them whole .

As a result, eating whole fruits allows you to avoid a spike in blood sugar.

Do you know many people who can eat 4 oranges in a row? Imagine how long it would take you!

Plus, peeling, chewing and digesting 4 oranges burns calories. This may seem insignificant.

But believe me, eating 4 oranges burns a lot more calories than drinking a glass of orange juice in a few sips!

Therefore, here are some things to consider if you drink a glass of fruit juice every morning:

- when you eat 4 oranges one after the other, your blood sugar naturally and gradually increases and then slowly decreases — thus you avoid blood sugar spikes .

- But when you drink the juice of 4 oranges in a short time, your blood sugar level suddenly increases and suddenly decreases. The result of this “fall”:a state of chronic fatigue and the craving for another energy spike (much like a drug).

- This sudden drop in your blood sugar level is called hypoglycemia. And because your body isn't designed to take in that much fructose all at once, there isn't enough insulin in your body to regulate this abnormal blood sugar level. Result:it causes extreme tension on your body .

- This is why frequent consumption of fruit juice can lead to significant weight gain , even obesity. Indeed, if your body cannot metabolize this overabundance of fructose , where do you think it will store all that sugar?

- Also, even assuming that you take your time drinking your fruit juice, say over a period of more than 30 minutes, it has a low fiber content compared to the consumption of whole fruit.

- Consumed whole, fruits have a high content of soluble and insoluble fibre. These fibers facilitate and regulate your digestion. They also satiate and replenish the probiotics in your digestive system. However, by drinking fruit juice regularly, you deprive your body of these essential elements and you increase the risk of diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems.

2. Soy products

10 Supposedly Healthy Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again.

Contrary to popular belief, soy products are not good for your health.

At least, this is the case for products made from unfermented soy .

No worries for those who love Asian food, because you can still enjoy fermented soy foods (like miso, natto, tempeh or tamari).

On the other hand, unfermented soy foods should be avoided. This includes edamame, soy milk and soy protein.

Why ? The problem with soy products comes first from where they come from.

Indeed, most of these products are made from genetically modified soybeans. It is estimated that 77% of soy grown is genetically modified.

In addition, genetically modified soybeans are designed to be "Roundup Ready .

In other words, it is a transgenic plant able to tolerate chemical pesticides produced by Monsanto and company to "naturally" repel insects.

Second, most people lack the enzyme needed to digest unfermented soy (just as many people are lactose intolerant).

As a result, eating unfermented soy foods can cause indigestion , bloating and a whole bunch of other gastrointestinal problems .

Finally, it is generally recognized that the use of dietary supplements, such as soy protein, is dangerous in the long term .

Indeed, this type of food supplement is linked to a multitude of health problems, such as allergic rhinitis (hay fever), asthma, breast cancer, cystic fibrosis, endometrial cancer, hypothyroidism (insufficient impregnation of the body with thyroid hormones), kidney failure, bladder cancer, and many more...

All these reasons are enough for you to stop consuming unfermented soy products today.

3. Salmon

10 Supposedly Healthy Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again.

If there's another so-called "healthy" food you should never eat again, it's definitely farmed fish .

Yes, even salmon, which is often referred to as THE healthiest fish for your body.

But in reality, salmon is a poisonous poison when it comes to farmed salmon.

But then why ? Because the vast majority of farmed fish are fed genetically modified products .

According to laboratory analysis by Environmental Work Group (EWG), an ecological monitoring NGO:“70% of farmed salmon bought in supermarkets is contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and this at levels so high that they present a real danger to health. »

In other words, the farmed fish you buy at the supermarket:

- is certainly, of all our food, the protein source with the highest levels of PCBs.

- contains up to 40 times more PCBs than other foods.

- contains up to 16 times more PCBs and other dioxin-like products than wild fish — 4 times more than beef and 3.4 times more than other fish and seafood.

But that's not all!

In addition to its high PCB content and genetically modified products, farmed fish also contains several neurotoxins and carcinogens , including:

- dioxin — a by-product from waste treatment plants.

- toxaphene — a pesticide banned since 1982.

- dieldrin — an insecticide banned since 1972.

To discover: Do you like Sushi? The Little Trick That Should Make You Change Your Mind!

4. Microwave popcorn

10 Supposedly Healthy Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again.

Another so-called "healthy" food that should be carefully avoided is microwave popcorn.

Especially the popcorn which is not from organic farming and which is prepared from genetically modified corn .

True, it must be recognized that popcorn in the microwave is very convenient. But this facility is to the detriment of your health, because it is full of carcinogens .

And even if you buy organic microwave popcorn, it can still pose a hazard to your health.

This is because bags of microwave popcorn contain perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) , a chemical scientifically linked to cancer.

In addition, butter-flavored microwave popcorn contains diacetyl, a chemical compound whose inhalation in high concentrations can cause significant respiratory problems .

But luckily, that doesn't mean you have to give up popcorn altogether!

The next time you want to snack on it, nothing could be easier. Just give preference to homemade popcorn.

Here is our easy recipe for making delicious homemade popcorn in the pan :

Use corn kernels from organic farming. Butter a stainless steel pan with organic butter.

Heat the pan with only 2 kernels of corn inside. As soon as one of the kernels burst, pour 120 g of corn kernels into the pan.

As soon as your popcorn starts to pop, swirl the pan to release steam and prevent the popcorn from burning.

When the corn has finished popping, remove the pan from the heat and season the homemade popcorn to taste.

For even more flavor, you can add nutritional yeast, garlic powder and paprika. Bon appetit :-)

To discover: The 5 Foods You Should Never Microwave Again.

5. Red meat

10 Supposedly Healthy Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again.

Maybe you already knew it, but industrial meat is a real food disaster .

Really try to limit your consumption as much as possible!

Even when this type of meat is "lean" i.e. when the fat has been removed, it should not be part of a diet really healthy.

Basically, the problem is that YOU eat what THE CATTLE eats.

Therefore, when you eat meat raised on food loaded with pesticides and hormones, guess what?

All of these chemicals are assimilated by your digestive tract then literally stored as fat in your fatty tissue.

That's why you have to get into the habit of carefully read labels and packaging (and even proofreading them).

Only then can you be sure that your meat comes from a farm that is committed to respecting an environmental charter on food, veterinary monitoring and maintenance of his farm.

So what to do? First of all, it is best to start by reducing your consumption of industrial meat. Not only will you save money, but it's also better for your health.

Then when you buy meat, try to go to the butcher instead of going to a supermarket.

Why ? Because it will allow you to have more information on the origin of the meat by speaking directly to your butcher.

The goal is to choose meat that has been raised locally, that you can trust.

Also take the time to do a little research to find out more about the breeders and farmers in your area.

It will help you to better know the origin and the breeding method of your meat.

The best is obviously to choose organic meat . Unfortunately, the prices are still very high.

The trick? Reduce the quantities of meat purchased but choose organic. That way you keep the same budget but you eat quality meat that is good for your health.

To discover: 7 Tips For Eating CHEAP Organic.

6. Shrimps

10 Supposedly Healthy Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again.

Are prawns good for health? Certainly not!

Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of good reasons NOT to eat shrimp:

• Shrimp contain 4-hexylresorcinol, an additive used as an anti-browning agent in foods. This substance, when used as a food additive, causes estrogenic activity (a female sex hormone) which reduces sperm count in men and increases the risk of breast cancer in women.

• Shrimp farm ponds are often treated with pesticides containing organophosphorus compounds. Neurotoxic, these compounds are linked to symptoms of ADHD (attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity), memory loss and tremors.

• Breeders also use a potentially carcinogenic substance, malachite green, because it kills a fungus that attacks shrimp eggs. However, malachite green stays in shrimp flesh for a long time, up to 200 days in water at 10°C.

• The American watchdog Food and Water Watch notes that farmers also use rotenone, an insecticidal substance, to kill fish in a pond before cultivating shrimp. If inhaled, rotenone can cause respiratory paralysis. Several studies have also established a link between this substance and the symptoms of Parkinson's disease in mice.

• Shrimp farm ponds are often treated with organotins, compounds derived from tin. Farmers use it to remove all molluscs from a pond before stocking it with shrimp. However, these endocrine disruptors "mimic" female estrogen. They have also been called “obesogenic” because they disrupt the endocrine system in such a way as to predispose individuals to become obese, regardless of their diet.

• Even more alarming, an association for the protection of the oceans, Oceana, analyzed samples of shrimp sold as “wild”. However, Oceana has discovered that 25% of the samples of these so-called “wild” shrimp actually come from farms.

7. Strawberries

10 Supposedly Healthy Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again.

When it comes to strawberries, it is essential to always choose them organic.

Non-organic strawberries top the list of the 12 foods with the most pesticides, according to the Environmental Working Group, an environmental protection organization.

In 2009 and 2014, researchers found that strawberries contain an average of 5.75 varieties of pesticides per sample (even if the strawberries were washed beforehand).

In addition, let's not forget that most non-organic strawberries are treated with toxic gases.

And that these gases were initially designed as a chemical weapon !

I don't know what you think about it but for me, it is simply inconceivable that these substances could end up in our food chain!

Even more incredible is the fact that we voluntarily choose to feed our children with these poisonous foods…

The healthy and smart choice is obviously organic. In addition, organic strawberries cost less when you grow them in your garden, or on your balcony.

Otherwise, buy your organic strawberries in large quantities when they are in season, directly from a farmer.

And to enjoy it all year round, all you need to do is make good homemade jams.

To discover: Make a Vegetable Garden On Your Balcony To Save Money and Eat Healthy.

8. Table salt

10 Supposedly Healthy Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again.

Regular table salt (also called refined salt) deserves its place on this list of so-called “healthy” foods to avoid.

We already knew that salt causes high blood pressure, but that's not going to stop almost ALL restaurants from putting salt shakers on their tables!

Basically, table salt is a natural and "authentic" food, because it is made from sea salt .

But then manufacturers use harvesting techniques that strip the salt of all its natural minerals .

Then, they transform it by adding many additives (including aluminum ) and heat it to around 650°C.

During this process, the iodine, which is found naturally in salt, is completely destroyed. To replace it, manufacturers use potassium iodate , at potentially toxic levels .

The table salt is then stabilized with dextrose , a process that gives it a purple color.

Finally, the table salt is bleached using other chemicals .

If you want to replace table salt, there is nothing simpler.

In fact, it's not really about replacing it, but rather using the true salt:I named real sea salt like this.

Personally, for cooking, I advise you to try this 100% natural salt without any additives:the famous Himalayan pink salt.

To discover: 4 Uses of Salt You Didn't Know About.

9. Artificial sweeteners

10 Supposedly Healthy Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again.

Thanks to their sweet taste, artificial sweeteners are widely used to replace sugar .

Unfortunately, artificial sweeteners are favored by a large part of the population because they have a low glycemic index .

But the irony is that recent studies indicate that artificial sweeteners disrupt the intestinal flora and can cause diabetes !

As if that weren't enough, numerous studies have also established a link between artificial sweeteners and several diseases.

Including allergies, bladder cancer, brain tumors, breast cancer, headaches, hypertension, lymphoma, leukemia, phenylketonuria, seizures and weight gain.

To discover: The 3 Clever Ingredients to Make Cakes WITHOUT Sugar.

10. Milk

10 Supposedly Healthy Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again.

The last supposedly healthy food you should avoid is conventional milk .

As with most of the foods on our list, the problem with milk is GMOs (genetically modified organisms).

In fact, the cows are fed with feed that contains GMOs.

But when you drink conventional milk or eat dairy products made from conventional milk, all these toxins are transferred into your body .

And as you might have guessed, these toxins are also linked to most of the diseases mentioned in this article.

As with orange juice, milk also undergoes a pasteurization process , for conservation reasons.

This is great for keeping a pack of milk for several weeks, but pasteurization strips the milk of its nutritional values .

In addition, the heat of this process destroys the lactase , the enzyme that allows our body to properly digest the carbohydrate found in milk, lactose .

The problem is huge. According to this report:"about 65% of the world's population has a reduced ability to digest lactose after childhood”.

The solution ? It's fresh milk, that is, raw milk that has not undergone pasteurization,which is much better for your health .

In the same way, try to favor yoghurt and cheeses made from raw milk.

To discover: What to do with expired milk? 6 Uses Nobody Knows.


Don't believe everything you read. Don't forget that today food is also a matter of fashion.

Therefore, what is good today may be bad for your health tomorrow.

What is certain is that eating unprocessed foods from organic farming will always be better for your health than eating processed foods that contain genetically modified products!

10 Supposedly Healthy Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again.