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5 reasons why you should eat tangerines more often

The tangerine season is upon us. Here are 5 reasons why you should eat tangerines more often. Indispensable for good health for young and old.

Mandarin season

Summer is coming to an end and autumn is officially here. September is the start of the season for many fruits. Think of pears, apples, but also tangerines. The season for mandarins is from September to February, although they are now available all year round. The autumn and winter season is the time when mandarins taste the best.

5 Reasons why you should eat mandarins more often

It is precisely in the months when the 'r' is in the month that we have to take extra care of our immune system. Especially in this time in which we live and we are dealing with all kinds of viruses and variants that pose a threat to our health. It is therefore extra important to provide your body with (extra) vitamins, minerals and fiber. Tangerines are a real boost for your health.

But why are these little citrus fruits so important and so healthy? Discover 5 reasons why you should eat mandarins more often.

1. Tangerines strengthen your bones

Perhaps that's not the first thing that comes to mind when you think of citrus fruits or tangerines. Yet these fruits can strengthen your bones. That is not surprising, because it contains a lot of trace elements, just like minerals, including calcium. Calcium is essential for the formation and strengthening of your bones. In addition, calcium ensures healthy teeth.

In addition, mandarins have a very big advantage:your body can absorb the nutrients from these citrus fruits easily and quickly. This is due to the natural fruit acids in the fruits.

2. Mandarins are good for your skin

Your skin is the largest organ and that is why it is very important to keep your skin in top condition. Your body needs a lot of vitamin C for healthy skin. Vitamin C ensures that more collagen connective tissue is produced. And that's exactly what you need for beautiful and smooth skin. Unfortunately, our body is not able to make vitamin C on its own, as is the case with other types of vitamin. Vitamin C must therefore be obtained from our diet.

Tangerines are real vitamin C bombs! A must if you want to provide your skin with the necessary vitamins in a natural way. By the way, there are more indispensable substances in this fruit. How about pro vitamin A, also known as beta-carotene. This ensures regeneration of cells, including your skin.

3. Mandarins strengthen the immune system

It has already been said in the introduction, but nothing is as important for our health as our immune system, especially in the autumn and winter when many people suffer from colds, coughs and flu.

Mandarins are packed with vitamin C and that is indispensable to get rid of that annoying cold. Eat 3 – 4 mandarins daily and you have already covered 1/3 of the daily requirement of vitamin C.

Tip:10 Home remedies that help with a cold

4. Tangerines help if you want to lose weight

It almost seems too good to be true:but American scientists have found that eating mandarins can help you lose weight. This has everything to do with the substance bio-flavonoids. This activates the fat burning of your body. You can find this substance directly under the peel, on the white skins of the mandarin. Unfortunately, this is the part that many people don't like and delete. But now that you know this, you can now eat your mandarin with white skin and all.

5. Tangerines protect your liver

The substance bio-flavonoids is not only good for losing weight and burning extra fat. The substance also ensures that excessive fat is not stored in the liver. This keeps your liver healthy. A fatty liver often develops as a result of the intake of a lot of sugars and carbohydrates and is the cause of all kinds of diseases, including cancer, diabetes and obesity. So do you want to keep your liver healthy? Then add tangerines to your diet.