Want to relieve a gout attack?
It is true that it is particularly painful!
And we just want it to end quickly...
Fortunately, there is an effective grandmother's remedy to relieve a gout attack...
...even without using medication.
The natural treatment is to make a garlic poultice where it hurts . Look, it's quite simple:
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 1 small potato
- 1 gauze bandage
- 1 garlic press
- 1 fork
1. Peel the potato.
2. Cook it in a pan filled with water for 15 min.
3. Peel the 3 cloves of garlic.
4. Crush the garlic with a garlic press and put it on a plate.
5. Add the cooked potato.
6. Crush it and mix it with the garlic with a fork.
7. Coat the painful area with this mixture.
8. Cover it with the gauze bandage.
9. Leave on overnight.
10. Repeat until pain subsides.
There you go, you've relieved that nasty gout attack that was hurting you :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
You'll feel better without taking pills!
Thanks to the garlic contained in the poultice, the pain is less severe and the crisis subsides quickly.
And it works to soothe gout attacks located on the toe, but also on the foot, ankle, hand, index and fingers in general, wrist, arm, knee, hip or shoulder. shoulder.
Remember to complete this natural treatment by eating garlic regularly.
It's simple, just add it to all your dishes!
Not only is it excellent for your health, but you also reduce the risk of having another attack.
Know that it is best to eat raw garlic to enjoy all its benefits.
The allicilin contained in garlic would dissolve urate crystals.
This is why its consumption is recommended during crises but also between crises, to prevent them and space them out.
The garlic poultice allows you to act directly on the painful areas.
It is an excess of uric acid in the blood which crystallizes in the form of urates which causes the attack of gout.
Excessive consumption of sausages, offal, dried meat, certain fish (herring) or alcohol such as beer or white wine can cause this phenomenon.
But sometimes, taking certain medications, a kidney problem, stress or even heredity can be the cause.
Gout results in a sharp and very sharp pain, usually located in the big toe of the foot. But the crisis can also settle in the knee or the ankle...
Either way, the painful joint turns red and swells. She is then very sensitive and the pain is intense.
In case of crisis, always consult your doctor.