Do you feel a cold sore growing?
It is easily recognized:the area is puffy and tingles a lot.
Now is the time to act, without further delay!
But no need to take out your Activir cream to make it disappear.
Fortunately, there is a natural and super effective remedy to pass a herpes attack on the lip quickly.
Grandma's recipe is to dab the area with a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar . Watch:
- cider vinegar
- Cotton Swab
1. As soon as the first symptoms appear, soak the cotton swab in pure cider vinegar .
2. Dab the area where the cold sore is preparing to break out.
3. Leave the cotton applied to the budding area for one minute.
4. Repeat the operation several times during the day.
And There you go ! Thanks to this remedy, you have stopped the appearance of the cold sore on the lip in its tracks :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
If it tingles, don't worry, it's normal and harmless to the skin. There is no risk of scarring.
This natural treatment is suitable for attacks of oral, labial and cutaneous herpes .
But also on the nose, the ears...
Be careful, however, of apple cider vinegar coming into contact with the mucous membranes and the area around the eyes.
Since herpes can be contagious, remember to wash the dishes well, for example, and not to share the same towels.
Apple cider vinegar is an antibacterial and antiseptic 100% natural.
It will therefore neutralize the proliferation of the virus that causes the appearance of herpes.
It purifies the infected area in order to avoid a new close crisis. And at the same time, it decongests the skin.