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The Simple and Natural Cholesterol Remedy.

The Simple and Natural Cholesterol Remedy.

Do you regularly have high cholesterol?

There is a smart, all-natural remedy for cholesterol.

This is a very simple gesture to adopt on a daily basis.

The trick is to replace sugar with honey in your diet.

The Simple and Natural Cholesterol Remedy.

How to

To lower your cholesterol, replace the sugar in your daily diet with honey.

Dark honeys, such as buckwheat, rosemary or thyme honey, are those that contain the most antioxidants.

They are therefore to be preferred.

Why does it work?

As honey contains antioxidants, it protects your heart from bad cholesterol.

It naturally reduces cardiovascular risks.

Bonus tip

In addition to this daily gesture, remember to preferably consume healthy products.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

And feel free to reduce your fatty ingredients.

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick to limit cholesterol? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!