Did you just bruise yourself from a fall?
Quick:an effective remedy!
To cure this bruise quickly, use this grandmother's trick:white vinegar
It also works well for bruises, knocks and bumps. Look, it's quite simple:
1. Soak a compress in vinegar.
2. Apply to hematoma as soon as possible.
3. Leave on for at least 10 min.
There you go, thanks to this grandmother's remedy, you have cured your hematoma :-)
This bruise remedy is effective for any part of the body:leg, arm or foot.
This homemade treatment reduces pain and prevents swelling.
Try to keep the compress on the bruise as long as possible.
Take it off when it starts to dry.
A quack all the same, the vinegar has a not very pleasant smell. A little rinsing with soap that smells good and presto!