Do you have high blood pressure? Me it's the same and my father already had it...
Be aware that this is a very common medical problem!
30% of men and 50% of women aged 65 to 75 are affected by high blood pressure.
Fortunately, there is a simple and effective home remedy for high blood pressure.
The natural treatment to regulate blood pressure when it is too high is to drink a mixture of cider vinegar and water . Watch:
1. Prepare a glass of water.
2. Add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar.
3. Mix well with a spoon.
4. Drink this remedy every morning during your breakfast.
There you go, thanks to apple cider vinegar, you were able to lower your blood pressure quickly :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
Your blood pressure will naturally stabilize and drop if it is too high.
If you want to take your blood pressure at home, you don't have to go to the doctor.
You can take it yourself with a device called an electronic blood pressure monitor. It costs less than €50 here.
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away", the saying goes.
Well, it seems that this popular proverb also applies to cider vinegar, which comes from the apple!
It is true that the virtues of cider vinegar are numerous. In particular, it has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, as it eliminates toxins in the blood.
As it is rich in quercetin, it helps stabilize blood pressure.
Indeed, according to this study by the American Society for Nutrition the effects of quercetin to reduce hypertension are real and positive.
Of course, if you have high blood pressure, always consult a doctor for medical advice.