Several times a year, it's the same story.. .
Your nose is clogged almost constantly.
Tired of your colds, your allergies, and above all... your stuffy nose?
There is a grandmother's solution that you will not be able to do without to unclog your nose .
The effective and natural grandmother's remedy is garlic. Watch:
1. Crush 2 cloves of garlic in a bowl.
2. Add 2 tablespoons of white vinegar .
3. Add 2 tablespoons of boiling water.
4. Do an inhalation for a few minutes, towel on your head and eyes closed (garlic stings!).
There you go, your nose is now unclogged :-)
Simple, practical and effective!
And that feels good, doesn't it?
No need for medicine to unclog your nose!
It is a natural and economical remedy.
You can do this twice a day for as long as the symptoms last.
Warning: it is a gesture that accelerates the "unblocking" of your nose during your cold.
This does not prevent you from following a treatment for your cold for his complete recovery.
To discover: Pollen Allergy:11 Effective Little Remedies for Less Suffering.
If you wish, you can also do garlic steam baths. But it doesn't smell very good :-)