Sometimes you can hear the same thing 100 times before you really understand its meaning.
Today, we've put together a list of 10 truths of life that definitely fall into this category.
These are life lessons that we have all surely heard dozens of times...
...but which, for some reason, we haven't fully grasped yet!
Here are 10 truths of life that everyone forgets far too quickly. Watch:
Life is short, and death always catches up with us.
We all know it, in our heart of hearts...
But, despite this, we are always surprised when death strikes one of our loved ones.
The solution ? Live your life TODAY!
That doesn't mean you should ignore death... or that you must be afraid of it.
The only thing you should be afraid of is missing out on YOUR life, without having had the audacity to pursue your dreams.
Never forget: death is not the greatest loss in life.
The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we are still alive.
So be bold . Be courageous . Even when you're scared to death, take action! Get started!
Your life belongs only to you, and to no one else.
Others may try to influence you, but they can never make the decisions for you.
Others can walk with you, but not in your shoes.
Follow your intuition, and make sure the path you choose aligns with what you really want in life.
And when you feel it, don't be afraid to forge a new path or change direction along the way!
Never forget: better to be at the bottom of the ladder you want to climb than at the top of the one that is not yours.
Go ahead and be patient.
But being patient is not waiting.
Being patient means keeping a positive attitude, while working hard towards the goals you set for yourself.
This is your life, and it is made entirely of your choice.
So, make passionate choices in your life!
If there's one truth in life you should never forget, it's this one.
Even if you don't know where it will lead you, be brave enough to listen to your heart, and accompany it into the unknown!
Being busy all the time is not a virtue or a quality.
Admittedly, we all have periods during which the agenda is particularly busy...
...but very few people can truly claim to be overworked all the time .
The truth is that we don't know how to live within our limits, choosing our priorities and learning to say "no" when necessary.
These days, being busy rarely equals productivity.
Just take a look around you to be convinced.
Busy people far outnumber productive people!
Those who are supposedly "busy" are running around, very rushed and late most of the time.
Busy people barely have time for an evening with the family, and few get enough sleep.
Their smartphones are constantly receiving alerts and their calendars are overflowing with obligations.
It's like their hectic schedules make them feel more important than everyone else.
But this is all an illusion.
In reality, these people are like caged hamsters running in a wheel, staying in one place...
Being very busy can sometimes make us feel more alive.
But this is a situation that is not tenable in the long term.
One day you will realize that life is not that.
Life is not about living in constant turmoil, but about living a purposeful life, in the present moment.
Read: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Most errors are unavoidable.
So learn to forgive yourself when you make a mistake.
In itself, making a mistake is not a problem.
A mistake turns into a problem only when you forget to learn from it.
The truth is that success is never built without failure.
Thus, the only way to succeed is to accept that failures are part of life.
By the way, you want to know what is the difference between an expert and a beginner?
It's just that the expert has failed many more times than the beginner!
Behind every great success are hundreds of failed attempts.
But of course, no one ever knows about all these failed attempts.
We only see the final result!
Never forget: it is by falling that we learn to walk. And just because things don't go the way you want today doesn't mean they never will.
Sometimes things have to go wrong first before they turn out right.
Read: Success according to Jack by Jack Canfield
It is not by dreaming of success that this one will come knocking at your door.
You are what you do , not what you say what you are going to do.
Having a lot of knowledge, but not acting on it, is of little use.
Good things don't come to those who sit idly by.
The good things in life happen to those who take action to achieve concrete goals.
Ask yourself what is really important to you and then build your life around that answer.
Never forget: if you wait until you feel 100% ready before jumping in, you'll probably be waiting the rest of your life.
As the saying goes, waiting for the grass to grow, the ox starves!
Life becomes much easier when you learn to forgive others, even those who have never apologized to you.
The key to happiness is knowing how to be grateful for all life experiences – whether positive or negative.
It's being able to take a step back and sincerely say to yourself:"Thank you for this life lesson."
It's realizing that by holding on to the grudges of the past, you're only wasting the joys of the present moment.
Allowing grudges to settle in your head is like letting an unwanted person move into your home...without paying rent.
Forgiving others is a promise – a commitment that will help you grow.
To forgive others is to promise not to see things from the perspective of the person you were in the past.
Forgiving others is seeing things from the perspective of the person you have become today , in the present moment.
To forgive does not mean to free a culprit of his crime.
To forgive is to finally be able to free oneself from the burden of the eternal victim.
Remember:you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.
So have the courage to let go of those who constantly pull you down.
Why waste your time and energy building relationships with people who keep putting you down?
If someone makes you lose your confidence every time you spend time with them, that's probably not the person you should befriend.
If this person is holding you back from being yourself, or making you feel like you're not up to them, then stop trying to be friends with them.
If you feel emotionally drained after spending time with this person, or feel a small spike in anxiety when thinking about them, trust your intuition and distance yourself.
Never forget: the world is full of "good people", those who motivate you and inspire you to be your best self.
So stop trying to make friends with people who don't match you.
It's important to be kind to others...
...but it's even more important to be kind to yourself!
If you want to get ahead in life, your number one priority must be to love yourself.
Thus, be careful never to see yourself through the eyes of those who do not appreciate you as you are.
YOU know your value, not others!
So learn to love yourself as you are, despite all the imperfections and little flaws you think you have.
Read: Imperfect, Free, and Happy:Self-Esteem Practices by Christophe André
Material possessions are just objects – objects that have absolutely no bearing on who you are as a person.
The reality is that we could all easily live on far less than we have today.
It's a useful little reminder...especially in our consumer society, which places greater value on the things we have at the expense of human relationships and experiences.
Watch less TV, read less fashion magazines and stop following the news all the time.
Instead, try to fill your time with meaningful human experiences .
Stop worrying about the life of a Kim Kardashian, a Taylor Swift or some other celebrity.
Stay as far away as possible from marketing and the media, which are there only to influence you and push you to consume more and more.
Forget all those advertising campaigns created by multinationals to push you to buy more and more clothes, electronic gadgets and new cars.
Focus on real life:on you, your friends, your family, your loves, your moments of happiness, your hopes, your projects, your fears...
Society makes us believe that life is about getting a degree, getting a job, buying a car, buying a house, and consuming endlessly .
But we must do everything not to let ourselves be influenced in this way. Because one day, you wake up, and you realize that you have been had!
We are not just consuming machines!
So, stop buying useless stuff to try to impress people around you (who by the way don't give a damn!).
Read: People Who Spend Their Money For Strong Experiences Are Happier. Here's Why.
Accept the change , and realize that everything happens for a reason.
At the beginning, it is not always easy to accept that. But it's definitely worth it.
Accept this life lesson:what you have today, you may not have tomorrow.
It's like that. Things change, often spontaneously. People, circumstances come and go.
Life never stops , for no one.
Life moves fast and every second a new world is there in front of you.
Life can turn from calm to chaos in a matter of seconds. And it's the same for everyone, at all times.
Sometimes a split second can change the direction of our entire life.
A seemingly innocuous decision can shake our entire universe, like a meteor hitting a planet.
Entire lives have been changed for better or for worse by the force of an unpredictable event.
Change is part of life. He is always there, at all times, including this very moment.
Whatever situation you are going through, good or bad, it will change.
It's the only thing you can count on.
So when life is good, learn to enjoy it to the maximum.
Happiness never comes to those who don't appreciate what they have in the moment.