Surely you've ever wondered how to get the upper hand in a conversation.. .
What topics should we talk about? Which ones to avoid? How to behave?
Of course, every human being is unique. And so is every interaction.
But a psychologist friend let me in on a secret:There are behavioral details that we are all sensitive.
And the interesting thing is that you can use this knowledge to reproduce these behaviors and thus make your life easier.
Thanks to these tricks, you can "win" your point of view in a conversation, for example. Or they can help you get someone to do you a favor...
Here are 23 psychological tricks that work on everyone:
When you meet someone for the first time, take the time to take a good look at their eye color and smile at the same time.
Maybe it's looking that person straight in the eye for a brief moment that makes the difference...
...but I promise you it's a tip that people react to very positively.
Be mindful of other people's feet.
When you approach 2 people talking and they only turn their torso towards you, and not their feet, it means that they don't want to talk to you.
Similarly, when you're talking to a co-worker and their torso is facing you while their feet are pointing in another direction...
...he wants to end the conversation.
The "foot in the door" technique:a person is more likely to do you a favor if you ask them something simple to do first.
This is called "progressive engagement".
It's a technique that gets people to do things for you because they feel like you appreciate them.
Conversely, you can ask someone a big favor first.
Logically, the person will refuse.
But the trick then is to ask for what you really want, which is a much more reasonable service.
With this technique, the person will be more likely to agree to help you.
If you ask someone to do you a favor, the person will think that if they do it, they actually like you.
This is called "cognitive dissonance", a well-known phenomenon in social psychology.
When someone doesn't fully answer a question you ask them, wait a bit...
Stay silent and look the person in the eye.
She should then start talking again and give you the answer you expected.
Consider chewing gum before approaching a stressful situation, such as public speaking or bungee jumping.
In this way, you "mislead your brain".
Indeed, he will just think that you are eating and say to himself:"if I were really in danger, I would not be eating quietly!
So I'm not in danger."
It's a simple technique that has helped me more than once in difficult situations.
To avoid a stampede with someone you pass on a sidewalk, look intently over the shoulder of the person you pass (or between their heads if there are several of them).
Your gaze shows other passers-by the path you will follow.
Thus, they will naturally shift to let you pass.
When you learn something new, whether at school or at work, try explaining it to a friend and showing them how it works.
Then let your friend ask you all the questions he wants.
If you manage to make him understand the thing in question, then it means that you have completely understood and assimilated it.
One important thing to know:
- people easily forget what you said,
- but on the other hand they never forget how you made them feel.
For a job interview to go as well as possible, it is recommended to change your psychological state in advance.
To do this, say to yourself:"I've known the person who is going to interview me for years.
I can't wait to see her again, because we've been friends for a long time!".
Imagine and visualize the upcoming interview in detail:you shake his hand, you look him in the eye, the conversation goes one way or another...
Then think about the things you can't wait to tell him.
And then, during the interview, think about your posture.
It should be open, feet apart, hands on hips and shoulders back.
And, above all, don't forget to SMILE!
These details may seem insignificant, but in fact they are decisive for a successful interview.
Because only you can control your psychological state.
This is called the "power of autosuggestion" and it is extremely powerful. Discover the trick here.
If you show someone that you're really happy and excited to see them, they'll react the same way.
It's a trick that doesn't always work the first time, but it always works with time and repetition.
Here is a technique that I use very often when someone (for one reason or another) is angry with me.
Instead of getting angry like her, I keep my calm.
Usually the person will then get even more upset.
But after the argument, she will blame herself for having lost her temper and will regret her attitude.
Always remember to warm your hands before greeting someone.
Because, if you have warm hands, you will instinctively be considered more friendly and pleasant.
We all have a certain image of ourselves, to which we are very attached.
In fact, if we feel attacked in what we are and what we believe in, we risk being on the defensive.
Therefore, if you openly question a person's view of themselves, they may react badly and dislike you.
So be very careful!
Do you know the technique of "falsely attributed arousal"?
It's quite simple.
For example, during a first romantic date, choose an activity that promises strong emotions, such as going to the cinema to see a horror film or taking a ride on a roller coaster.
Your loved one's adrenaline levels will then increase and their heart will speed up.
The person will then attribute this adrenaline rush to the fact that they enjoy spending time with you, and not to the activity itself.
Here is the key to self-confidence:
- when you walk into a room, tell yourself that everyone in the room already likes you.
It's a magic method!
The physiological effects of stress (increased heart rate and respiration, etc.) are identical to those of courage.
So when you think you're feeling stressed about a situation, just change your perspective.
Tell yourself that what you are feeling is NOT stress, just your body getting ready to do something brave.
When addressing someone you have just met, be sure to use their first or last name.
People really appreciate being called by their name.
This technique will help you quickly establish a relationship of trust and friendship.
To feel happy in no time, force yourself to put on the biggest smile possible.
It's a method that works for sure!
To always start the day off right, do the following as soon as your alarm goes off:
- get out of bed immediately
- raise your fists in the air and shout victory.
You'll see, it works like thunder!
To make your child believe that he is in charge (and thus get what you want from him), always offer him a choice.
For example, if I want my daughter to put on her shoes, I tell her:
"Say, do you want to wear the blue sneakers or the red ones?"
It's amazing how sensitive we all are to touch.
And we are very aware of everything related to this meaning...
So when someone supposedly "accidentally" brushes their knees against yours, you can be sure they know exactly what they're doing...