Mandatory bicycle parking in public places…
Mileage allowances for employees…
More and more cycle paths…
Despite these considerable measures taken by the State, the majority of French people still do not go to work by bike!
However, there are a whole slew of good reasons to choose the bike to go to work.
To convince you, we have listed the 10 best reasons to cycle to work .
You will finally find a good reason to leave your car at home and save money! Watch:
Yes, you want to know the main reason to go to work by bike?
It's because it's a real pleasure , simply!
Many people remember with nostalgia the good old days of their childhood, when they cycled through their neighborhood.
Do you want to rediscover that wonderful carefree feeling before and after a stressful day at work?
So, it's simple... get on your bike :-)
Going to work by bike means bringing an exhilarating feeling of well-being to your daily life.
On a bike, you take the time to observe your surroundings.
You can listen to the birds and greet the other cyclists you meet on the way.
You'll see... it's so pleasant that you almost want the trip to be longer!
Cycling to work is good for your health .
Of course, the exact number of calories burned varies from person to person, depending on their pace and the elevation of the journey.
But know that on average, you burn as many calories on a bike as when you go running.
And this, with much less risk of hurting your joints.
And that's not all ! Indeed, cycling has many other health benefits.
Cycling improves cardiovascular function and reduces blood pressure.
It also boosts energy levels, strengthens muscles and promotes motor coordination.
Impressive, isn't it?
On closer inspection, the many health benefits of cycling are so easy to integrate into our daily commute... It almost feels like cheating!
Yes, biking to work makes us happier .
Much happier than being stuck in traffic during rush hour...
...or being locked in the metro or the RER!
Cycling to work can really turn your daily commute into a kind of soothing therapy .
And it's not me who says it! Several scientific studies have proven this.
Cycling is a regular physical activity that has many benefits for morale.
This helps in reducing stress levels, alleviating symptoms of depression, etc.
Cycling helps regulate sleep cycles in people with insomnia and reduces anxiety.
In addition, researchers have also found that cycling boosts self-confidence and improves overall morale.
What if I told you that cycling to work makes us smarter s?
Of course, just because you ride a bike doesn't mean you'll become Albert Einstein overnight :-)
But… scientific studies have proven that cycling to work helps prevent the degeneration of cognitive faculties.
It also helps improve memory and learning as well as healthy brain function.
So going to work by bike doesn't immediately turn you into a Polytechnique graduate...
But it will at least help you to be more productive at work throughout the day.
Cycling to work helps to save money . A lot of money .
On average, a French family spends €903 on fuel. A considerable cost in itself…
But let's not forget to add the costs of vehicle maintenance, occasional repairs, insurance and tolls.
For example, the total budget for a petrol Renault Clio is €6,063 . Ouch, that hurts the budget!
Conversely, you can buy a brand new city bike for €250, depending on brand, style and accessories.
Add to that a small annual maintenance cost of €50…
Unless you prefer to maintain your bike yourself, then it's almost free!
There's also the one-time purchase of a lock and headlights, but that won't cost you an arm and a leg.
It costs €75 for a good padlock and €10 for rechargeable LED headlights.
As a result, even choosing the most expensive options saves you around $4,400 in the first year alone!
And up to €6,000 per year thereafter.
Not bad for saving money, don't you think? :-)
And if you live in Paris or in a big city, you surely have the possibility of renting your bike.
For example, use an app like Ofo Bike.
As we have just seen, going to work by bike allows you to make big savings... but not only that.
Because overall, choosing the bike instead of the car helps the whole society to considerable savings!
Indeed, the impact of cycling on our society is far from negligible.
By encouraging its employees to favor cycling for commuting...
Employers help society as a whole to reduce many costs.
And some costs are unexpected!
For example, a Danish study found something interesting.
Indeed, those who cycle to work have fewer absenteeism days than those who choose another means of transport.
In addition, employees who cycle to work are healthier because they engage in regular physical activity.
Add to that healthier eating habits and reduced smoking among cyclists.
And we quickly understand that the promotion of cycling to get to work helps Social Security to save 29 million euros .
And let's not forget that employees who cycle to work have increased productivity.
These are very convincing financial arguments in favor of the bicycle, even for the most ardent defenders of the automobile.
Cycling to work also reduces greenhouse gas emissions … for you, and for the whole planet!
In France, the transport sector alone is responsible for almost 30% of greenhouse gas emissions.
According to this study, a vehicle emits 229 g of CO2 per passenger and per km.
And taking into account the production and maintenance of the car, we arrive at 271 g of CO2 per passenger/km .
But the average cyclist only emits 16g of CO2 per km, due to breathing.
Adding the impacts due to production and maintenance, the carbon footprint of a bicycle amounts to approximately 21 g of CO2 per km traveled .
This means that greenhouse gas emissions per km are 10 times higher for a driver than for a cyclist... a huge difference!
As we can see, choosing the bike instead of the car is an ultra-simple change.
And it allows you to make huge energy savings.
To discover: What Are the Most Effective Gestures to Save the Planet? The Answer Will Surprise You.
Many people think that cycling is an impractical way to get to work.
But that's not true... Yes, because the car is not as comfortable as it seems.
Indeed, nothing is more boring than wasting 10 minutes looking for a parking space every morning.
Or being stuck in an unexpected traffic jam on the way to work.
However, on a bike, you never waste time parking . Just find the nearest post, padlock your bike there and you're done!
We can get to work quietly without any stress :-)
In addition, cyclists are never disturbed by traffic jams or delays in public transport.
In fact, cycling is as fast as driving for city trips, even faster!
According to a study by ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency), the bicycle is faster for journeys of less than 5 km.
Indeed, a cyclist rides at 15 km/h in town, while the average speed of vehicles is 14 km/h.
Thanks to the luggage racks and bike bags, you can now easily transport all your work necessities.
You can also do some shopping on the way back.
And more and more workplaces are offering secure bike parking.
They also provide showers and other facilities to encourage their employees to cycle to work.
Studies prove it:the more cyclists there are, the fewer the accidents!
According to an Australian study, cycling safety is a virtuous circle.
What the researchers found is surprising.
When the number of cyclists increases in any city, the number of accidents between drivers and cyclists invariably decreases .
But why ? This is not only due to the decreasing number of cars. According to the researchers, it is the behavior of drivers that changes.
As the number of cyclists and pedestrians increases, drivers naturally adopt more careful driving .
And of course, there are fewer and fewer collisions, which also improves the perception of bike safety.
And afterwards, more and more people are getting on the bike! This is what we can call a cycle virtuous :-)
We all remember the first time we rode a bike without the little wheels…
Normal, because it is a milestone in childhood, synonymous with freedom!
For me, like for most children, the day I rode a bike alone, like a grown-up, I was over the moon :-)
Then come the teenage years…
We pass the car license. The parents lend us the car. And, we discover with pleasure a new form of freedom.
But, after a few years, we begin to become disenchanted with the car.
All those hours wasted in traffic jams...
All that time walking the streets of a neighborhood looking for a parking space... What a hassle!
Suddenly, the car looks more and more like a prison .
If this speaks to you, then it's time to take off those handcuffs and rediscover that wonderful feeling of freedom!
By bike you can explore the city , at your own pace. You can try a new route whenever you want.
You can easily stop on the way to work, for a coffee. Or on the way back, to visit a neighborhood that you haven't explored yet.
That's what's great about cycling :-)
This opens up avenues for you, both literally and figuratively, to experience your city from a new perspective.
It's your city, go and enjoy !