Toothaches hurt too much!
It is therefore essential to consult a dentist.
But what to do against the pain while waiting for your appointment?
Fortunately, there is an effective grandmother's remedy to quickly soothe the pain of a toothache.
The trick is to apply garlic juice with a cotton swab to the painful area . Watch:
1. Take a fresh clove of garlic.
2. Crush the garlic clove in a mortar to extract the juice.
3. Strain the juice with a strainer.
4. Dip a cotton swab in the garlic juice.
5. Pass the Cotton Swab over the painful area.
And There you go ! You quickly relieved your toothache with this grandmother's remedy :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
Too bad for bad breath, you will be able to quietly wait for the appointment at the dentist without suffering!
Be aware that toothaches are caused by a poorly treated cavity, an abscess or an inflamed nerve.
You can also place a small piece of fresh garlic directly in the hollow of the diseased tooth.
Or even simpler, you can chew fresh garlic.
To avoid dental problems, remember to brush your teeth regularly with this homemade toothpaste.