Do you know echinacea?
This flower was once known and used to prevent colds.
Today, it is renowned for its many health benefits .
The Echinacea flower grows on the North American plateaus.
It was already used more than 400 years ago by the Indian tribes of the Great Plains.
It was a North American who brought it back into fashion by using it in his herbal remedies.
Technically classified as an herb, it is also used for its flowers, leaves and roots.
Before 1950 and the introduction of antibiotics, echinacea held a place of choice as a natural remedy.
Then, pharmaceutical companies came through, and antibiotics replaced everything. The grass then lost a lot of its notoriety and that's a shame!
Interestingly, in Germany herbs are regulated by the government.
Well know that there, echinacea is approved as an effective remedy to treat urinary tract infections.
They also relieve respiratory infections, colds and help difficult to heal wounds.
As you will have understood, echinacea is an herb that has a multitude of health benefits.
Just for you, we have selected its 9 most incredible virtues everyone should know :
Research regarding the benefits of echinacea on brain cancer are fascinating.
They were published by the National Institute of Health. They indicate that:
- the effectiveness of the phytochemicals contained in echinacea is evident. The study also indicates that these agents, and the phytochemicals would be effective in fighting tumors.
It should be noted that these agents and phytochemicals do not exist in other plants?
- the use of echinacea as a complementary treatment cancer is now recommended. In addition of course to conventional therapy!
Published in the journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases, the University of Connecticut conducted a study which demonstrated that:
- echinacea reduces the risk of catching a cold by 58%.
- echinacea reduces the average duration of the common cold by about 1.5 days.
The author of this study insists that echinacea is a powerful means of preventing and treating cold symptoms.
It is one of the best natural remedies against the common cold . Why ? Because echinacea is an stimulant of the immune system .
In addition, the medical journal Hindawi has also published papers suggesting that echinacea helps cure viral colds.
Echinacea purpurea was already used by the Indians of the Great Plains as an analgesic.
It is particularly effective in relieving the following pains:
- stomach ache
- headache
- pain associated with herpes
- pain associated with gonorrhea
- pain associated with measles
- sore throat
- stomach pain
- tonsillitis
- toothache
The best way to use echinacea for pain relief is to drink it as an herbal tea.
You can also make a paste of it and rub it directly on the affected area.
Like many herbs, echinacea is particularly suitable for the stomach and all gastrointestinal problems.
According to the principles of Medicinal Herbalism , echinacea can be used as a mild laxative to relieve constipation naturally.
If you have trouble going to the toilet regularly, drinking echinacea tea is particularly recommended.
For best results with chronic constipation, drink a cup of this herbal tea daily to help improve transit .
If you suffer from very transient constipation, a maximum of 2 cups a day can also relieve you quickly.
However, be careful not to drink too much echinacea! Limit consumption to a maximum of 2 cups per day if you consume it regularly.
Inflammation is at the root of most diseases and arguably the number one killer in the world.
Stress, toxins in our food and poor quality sleep contribute to the development of inflammation.
The University of British Columbia has demonstrated this.
Regular consumption of echinacea can effectively relieve various types of inflammation in the body.
The National Institutes of Health in the United States has also shown that it can even help relieve eye inflammation.
It is also a good remedy for people who suffer from chronic inflammation such as rheumatoid arthritis.
To take advantage of these anti-inflammatory benefits , remember to consume echinacea tea regularly.
Echinacea has incredible virtues for the skin .
In a study by Dr. Armando González, he explains that echinacea was already used by various Native American tribes.
These tribes used this herb in particular to treat:
- eczema
- inflammation of the skin
- psoriasis
- skin infections
- insect bites
- as healing
- arthropod bites
Echinacea angustifolia is the type of echinacea recommended to help people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Echinacea is considered one of the best natural remedies to treat people who suffer from it.
Adults and children with ADHD tend to experience higher than normal emotional disturbances.
This plant can therefore help to reduce their symptoms, such as:
- anxiety
- depression
- social phobias
Echinacea has stimulating effects on the immune system and its anti-inflammatory properties.
It can therefore also be used to relieve certain symptoms of the respiratory tract .
Here are which ones:
- acute sinusitis
- cough
- cold
- inflammation of the larynx
- angina
- tuberculosis
- whooping cough
Echinacea is also a fantastic remedy for many types of infection.
For example, taking echinacea and applying a medicated cream to the mucous membranes can lower the rate of recurrent vaginal infections .
The reduction is estimated at 16%, compared to a single dose of the drug.
It is also known to help treat:
- blood circulation disorders
- genital herpes
- gum disease
- malaria
- syphilis
- typhoid
- urinary tract infections
- vaginal infections
Be aware that liquid forms of echinacea are much more effective than tablets.
Therefore, if you want to take it regularly, it is best to turn to herbal teas like this one.
Although there is no hard evidence on the best way to use echinacea, regular daily use is definitely the most beneficial.
Finally, echinacea seems to be most effective when taken as soon as the first symptoms appear, with 2 doses per day for 7 to 10 days.
Be careful all the same to the side effects of echinacea . Indeed, high doses of echinacea can sometimes cause nausea and dizziness.
This is especially true for those with allergies.
Regarding pregnant women and nursing mothers , doctors allow the use of echinacea in the form of herbal tea.
But you should never exceed 1 herbal tea maximum every week.