Looking for an effective remedy for eczema?
Many people, adults and children suffer from it.
Including me ! It itches, bleeds and wakes you up at night...
But there's no need to run and buy cortisone!
Fortunately, my doctor prescribed me a super effective natural remedy to relieve itching due to eczema.
The miracle cure is to take a bath with baking soda to soothe eczema . Watch:
1. Prepare half a cup of baking soda.
2. Run a hot water bath.
3. Pour the baking soda into the bath.
4. Immerse yourself in it for at least 15 min.
5. Get out of the bath and dry yourself off as usual.
There you go, thanks to baking soda, no more itching due to eczema :-)
Easy, fast and effective as a grandmother's remedy, right?
Thanks to the benefits of bicarbonate, this remedy calms itching all over the body:hands, legs, back and even on the vulva.
Whether the origin of your eczema is nervous, a consequence of stress or hereditary, this home remedy remains just as effective.
It is the perfect treatment to avoid nighttime itching. No more itchy eczema at night!