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The Natural Remedy for Damaged Hair.

The Natural Remedy for Damaged Hair.

A woman's number one enemy in front of her mirror:damaged hair , brittle, split ends...

Whether it's due to discoloration or after using a straightener...

Having straw on your head is no one's dream!

So how? Wondering how to naturally repair damaged hair?

The solution exists!

Pamper them with a natural treatment, sweet almond oil. Watch:

The Natural Remedy for Damaged Hair.

How to

1. Get some sweet almond oil.

2. Coat your hair from root to tip.

3. Insist on the ends if they are split.

4. Run a towel under very hot water and wring it out. You can also microwave the damp towel for a few seconds.

5. Wrap your head in it.

6. For maximum efficiency, you can lock everything in a plastic bag to keep the heat in.

7. Leave on for about 1 hour and take the opportunity to relax!


There you go, your hair is now in great shape, beautiful and shiny :-)

No more split ends and damaged hair!

This treatment is particularly effective in repairing the hair in depth.

It's a magical natural home treatment for damaged hair.

Know that you can do it regularly if you have very damaged hair.

Because it is a real well-being cure for your hair.

In my opinion, it is the best care for dry, broken, dull and split hair.

It is also recommended to beautify afros and frizzy hair.

Why does it work?

You will see the difference before and after this hydrating and nourishing treatment.


Because sweet almond oil is very greasy. It is therefore very nutritious.

In addition, it is rich in fatty acids such as omega 6 and omega 9. It is also composed of vitamins A and E, trace elements, minerals and phytosterols and triterpene alcohols.

It intensely nourishes the hair in depth. It restores suppleness and shine.

It is emollient and soothes the scalp. It regulates sebum production and calms irritations.

And a healthy scalp is the essential condition for healthy hair.


Sweet almond oil can be used by everyone.

Including children and babies from 3 months.

However, there is only one restriction. It is not recommended for people with nut allergies.

Where to find sweet almond oil?

Sweet almond oil is everywhere. We advise you to use a 100% natural and organic oil.

You can get it in herbalists, supermarkets and organic stores.

To buy some now, we recommend this cold-pressed sweet almond oil.

There you go, you have great looking hair! They will never be damaged again :-).

This natural and inexpensive treatment nourishes the hair fiber and leaves your hair supple and soft.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's remedy for damaged hair? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!