The wet cough hurts so much that it is very unpleasant.
However, there is no need to gorge on dubious drugs on sale in pharmacies.
Fortunately, my grandmother gave me her flower tea recipe to relieve wet cough quickly.
The effective remedy is to infuse white broth, mallow and poppy flowers . Watch:
- 1 C. c. white broth flower
- 1 C. c. purple
- 1 C. c. poppy
1. Heat 250 ml of water.
2. Immerse the 3 ingredients in hot water.
3. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes.
4. Strain the mixture to remove the flowers.
5. Drink.
And There you go ! In just a few hours, your wet cough disappeared :-)
Fast, natural and effective, right?
Drink 2-4 cups of this mixture a day to cure yourself without using drugs.
Mallow and Bouillon Flower are known for their soothing and calming properties.
As for the poppy, it was used by our ancestors to treat bronchial problems.
You can even find a ready-made mix here.