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5 Natural Ways To Relieve Period Pain

Ah… the time of the month when we have no choice but to let our hormones run their course and when we usually feel lousy. Menstrual pain is one of the things we have to learn to deal with. While pain relievers are the fastest way to relieve the pain, here are some natural remedies you may want to try.

1. Move
While you may not even feel like getting out of bed, you can do some exercises to ease your cramps. You don't necessarily have to go to the gym, just go for a long walk or do some yoga. When your body pumps more blood, endorphins are released and this helps to reduce cramps. Exercise consistently a few times a week and you'll see your colic will get better with time.

2. Heat Using a hot water bottle is an excellent way to relieve cramps, as heat helps relax the contracting muscles in your uterus. Place it on your lower abdomen and lower back for best results. If you don't have a pitcher, dip a towel in water, wring out the excess, then heat it in the microwave for a minute. A warm shower can also help.

3. Sun, Sun, Sun
Make sure you get enough vitamin D as it helps reduce menstrual cramps. If it's a cloudy day, you might choose to go to a tanning salon or take supplements to boost your vitamin D intake.

4. Drink
Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water. Warm or hot water is especially recommended as it helps to increase blood flow to the skin and relax cramping muscles. Chamomile tea is also highly recommended as a pain reliever – there have even been studies proving its effect.

5. Sex
Orgasms help relieve cramps as blood flow increases at the time of climax. And because orgasms also release endorphins, you'll feel better in general too. You will be relaxed and asleep, so you can forget about your cramps for a while.