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8 Uses of Garlic Peels.

8 Uses of Garlic Peels.

Garlic has amazing health benefits and its uses are many .

But did you know that the peelings of garlic cloves can also be used?

Do you usually throw away the garlic skin?

Error ! Don't throw them in the trash. It's a waste!

Here are 8 uses for garlic peelings everyone should know :

8 Uses of Garlic Peels.

How to

1. Put the garlic peelings in the freezer. And use them in your chicken or vegetable broths.

2. You can also put them in any dish that simmers, such as chili con carne, to add flavor to the dish.

3. Put the peelings of the garlic cloves in your compost.

4. Do not remove the skin from the garlic when roasting it. Garlic is said to be "in shirt". Why ? Because the skin is a protective layer that will hold your tender garlic inside.

5. Eat the garlic skin! Why ? Because the skin contains antioxidants which help fight aging and protect the heart. It would still be a shame not to take advantage of it, wouldn't it?

6. You can also make a tea with the garlic peelings. Just use a tea infuser and put it in boiling water. Very useful for treating a cold in winter.

7. Add the garlic peelings to your sauce. Just let it cook with the rest of the ingredients so that the peelings gently disintegrate. Then you can remove the remains of the peelings, as most of the nutrients and flavors will have diffused into your sauce.

8. Make a garlic skin rose! Look at the result:

8 Uses of Garlic Peels.

There you go, you know all the secrets of garlic peelings!

It's amazing, isn't it? Garlic peelings have so many benefits!

It would be a shame to throw them away.

To take full advantage of the benefits of garlic peelings and avoid ingesting pesticides, we advise you to consume organic garlic .