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How to face the Autumn Depression? 5 Remedies to Know.

How to face the Autumn Depression? 5 Remedies to Know.

Every year, after the stress of going back to school, she points the end from his nose...

And for some of us, it stays until early spring.

So this time, we're going to put the odds on our side to face the fall depression.

Summer is coming to an end. For us poor mortals, this is the season we have the hardest time "mourning."

Everything is nicer in summer:the sun, the length of the days, the activities, the holidays... You have to put an end to that!

It sounds innocuous, but it's not at all, and it can lead to depression from which it sometimes takes time to recover...

Here's how I attack the problem!

How to face the Autumn Depression? 5 Remedies to Know.

  • 1. I put myself in psychological "condition"!
  • 2. I take care of my body
  • 3. I exercise
  • 4. I take vitamin D
  • 5. Last resort:alternative medicine

1. I put myself in psychological "condition"!

I know, as soon as the start of the school year is over, that my head loses its hair as much as the trees their leaves, that I get up before the sun, that it's the bad time which begins for me.

Soon the days will be shorter, the sun less present, a climate that will bring rain and other inconveniences.

The first thing I do is prepare myself psychologically. Fall is coming, and the sooner I accept the idea, the sooner I can move on to the next steps.

A little wool is needed? Never mind ! There are other ways to make summer last for me!

2. I take care of my body

First of all, I'm trying to keep my pretty holiday complexion. The tan, I know how to keep it a little. If I still find myself pretty in front of my mirror, I'm already earning happiness points!

Then, I take care of myself from the inside:I eat vegetables, fruits... And I do everything possible to keep my face healthy by taking natural vitamins.

3. I do sports

Sport, we stopped doing it during the summer. During the beautiful season, we feel good. The sun is enough for our happiness. But I feel that my body is falling asleep. And my body is linked to my spirit:therefore, I move it!

If, by misfortune, I no longer have the time or the budget this year to do the 3 hours of fitness I did last year, I manage to walk, preferably before nightfall, to enjoy sunshine (school and bakery on foot!)

4. I take vitamin D

Vitamin D is provided in part by sunlight . It affects our temperament. If you run out of them, morale drops dramatically.

If the fall is rainy, or I'm locked up for too long to work, I supplement my diet with vitamin D tablets.

5. Last resort:alternative medicine

If really, despite all these precautions taken "before" the dreaded phenomenon, things are not going well this fall or this winter, then I don't hesitate any longer. I "treat" myself gently:

- Phytotherapy:for example valerian or Euphytosis, but on medical advice , of course.

- Luminotherapy:a lamp to put on my desk, to replace sunlight.