I often get hiccups after a meal.
It's not very serious, but rather unpleasant...
...especially since I annoy everyone with the "hic" that escapes from my mouth.
But how to stop this attack of hiccups quickly?
Fortunately, there is a very simple trick to make the hiccups pass naturally and instantly.
Just put a drop of lemon on your tongue . Watch:
- a slice of lemon
1. Cut a small slice of lemon.
2. Put a drop of lemon juice on your tongue.
3. Swallow the lemon juice.
And There you go ! Thanks to this trick, the hiccups disappear every time :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
Lemon passes all types of hiccups, whether persistent or episodic.
Don't like lemon? So replace the lemon with apple cider vinegar. The result will be just as effective.
To avoid having to cut a whole lemon, use a toothpick to extract the juice.
Hiccups often start after a big meal, or if you eat too quickly. So take your time to eat!
Carbonated drinks or a stressful situation can also trigger hiccups.
Hiccups are a contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm often linked to a digestion problem.
The acidity of lemon helps stop hiccups immediately, stopping these involuntary contractions.