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10 Effective Exercises To Relieve Your Back At The Office.

10 Effective Exercises To Relieve Your Back At The Office.

Do you have back pain? Normal, you spend a lot of time sitting in front of the computer.

Are you looking for effective exercises to relieve your back at the office?

Coming home in the evening, you indeed have the impression of having a stewed back.

And it makes you suffer.

Whether it's upper back pain, lower back pain, middle back pain, whether it's muscular or not... you wonder what to do to stop the pain.

Here are 10 effective exercises to do daily in the office to effectively relieve your back.

Don't worry, these exercises are very easy to do. Watch:

10 Effective Exercises To Relieve Your Back At The Office.

Exercise 1

Several times a day, do the following:

- stretch your neck up and to the right, while lowering your left arm down,

- do the same with your neck to the left and your right arm down.

Exercise 2

Once in a while during the day, when you're tense:

- raise your arms to the sky, palms facing up,

- alternately raise your left hand and your right hand as high as possible.

Exercise 3

1 or 2 times a day:

- make circular movements with your shoulders,

- remember to exhale when they are behind.

Exercise 4

At least once a day:

- your hands are on your back, your elbows back,

- raise the left elbow up and lower the right,

- then put your elbows back (inhale),

- hold your breath for 5 or 6 seconds,

- then put your elbows forward (exhale),

- do the same on the other side.

10 Effective Exercises To Relieve Your Back At The Office.

Exercise 5

From time to time:

- drop your arms down, palms inside (inhale),

- then turn your palms outwards (hold your breath),

- put your palms back as normal (exhale).

Exercise 6

Once a day:

- hands on shoulders, thumbs behind shoulders, raise your elbows forward as far as you can,

- then bring them back,

- then down (the complete exercise forms a circle).

Exercise 7

Once a day:

- your hands are behind your back, raise them towards the shoulder blades,

- place your elbows back (inhale),

- hold your breath for 5 or 6 seconds,

- gently bring your elbows forward (exhale).

Exercise 8

Several times a day:

- with your right hand, grab your left elbow and slide your forearm on the right side of your body,

- do the same in the other direction.

Repeat once or twice.

Exercise 9

From time to time:

- cross your arms placing the left hand on the right shoulder and vice versa,

- lower your elbows (inhale),

- raise your elbows (exhale).

Exercise 10

Several times a day:

- put your hands near your thighs,

- raise the left hip, then the right, shoulders horizontal.

Bonus tips

Alternate these exercises each day, practice them all.

Be careful, it's not just exercises that can relieve your back. There are also some useful gestures.

Choose your chair carefully and sit well in it. Here are some tips on this.

Your turn...

Have you tried these exercises to stop having back pain at the office? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!