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Do you know the causes of erectile dysfunction in men?

Men who are victims of it know it well, erectile dysfunction is a disorder affecting the quality of sexual and relational life. It can also announce the presence of other health problems. What are the reasons for this and why should a doctor be consulted?

Multiple factors

When a man isunable to maintain (or to obtain) an erection sufficient to perform sexual intercourse, we speak of erectile dysfunction (ED) or erectile insufficiency. According to the French Association of Urology (AFU), epidemiological studies in France show that the prevalence of ED is between 11 and 44%. There are also prevalence surveys, suggesting a correlation of this disorder with age. Indeed, the relative risk of erectile dysfunction would be multiplied by 2 to 4 between 40 and 70 years.

But what causes erection problems? In addition to age – one of the major factors – we find the consumption of products harmful to the body, such as alcohol and tobacco. Nevertheless, other factors exist, such as the level of sexual arousal – involving libido – and potentially, hormonal health. Desire can also play a role, depending on the nervous system and its ability to transmit sexual desire (from the brain to the penis). There is also a whole range of psychological factors which can also be taken into account (e.g. depression).

Do you know the causes of erectile dysfunction in men?

Why consult a specialist?

Erectile dysfunction is associated with a high prevalence of cardiovascular disease . Insofar as some men have ED as their first symptom, this should be interpreted as a warning signal of the potential existence of ischemic heart disease, which obviously has not yet been diagnosed. Remember that ischemic heart disease is a serious heart attack which can lead to serious consequences (heart attack, sudden death, etc.) and require urgent medical treatment.

In many cases, men with erectile dysfunction don't know where to turn . Whether you are in a couple or single, the expert best able to take care of this kind of patient is none other than the sexologist. This doctor will identify the problems and the appropriate treatments using appropriate methods. If it is a physical problem, the diagnosis will lead to a reliable and effective drug prescription.