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Eczema:The Effective Grandmother's Remedy You Should Know.

Eczema:The Effective Grandmother s Remedy You Should Know.

Eczema is a mild skin condition, but it is unpleasant and unattractive.

It often affects children and one wonders how to get rid of it.

Are you looking for a grandmother's remedy to cure it and make it go away?

Fortunately, there is a natural and very simple treatment to cure it. It is a garlic infusion.

Eczema:The Effective Grandmother s Remedy You Should Know.

How to

1. Peel and chop 2 cloves of garlic.

2. Boil 250 ml of water in a saucepan.

3. Dip the garlic cloves in it and boil them for five minutes.

4. Filter the infusion.

5. Leave to cool.

6. Soak a cotton ball with this garlic infusion.

7. Apply to eczema using the cotton ball.

8. Repeat twice daily until symptoms improve.


Eczema:The Effective Grandmother s Remedy You Should Know.

And There you go ! Small patches of eczema will disappear quickly :-)

You can use it on eczema patches on the fingers, hands, wrists, feet, toes...

Be careful, this remedy should only be applied to small localized and non-painful patches. On already very inflamed lesions, garlic will not be an ideal remedy.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's remedy for eczema? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!