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The 3 virtues of mint that you don't know.

The 3 virtues of mint that you don t know.

Mint is one of my favorite herbs.

I've loved it since my grandmother made me good mint teas when I was a child.

This plant, very easy to grow, has 3 virtues secrets.

This little green plant is packed with health benefits , but not only.

Here are the benefits of mint that you don't know yet. Watch:

The 3 virtues of mint that you don t know.

  • 1. For better digestion
  • 2. Against insects
  • 3. To relieve a sting
  • Savings

1. To better digest

If the mint contains a large amount of vitamin C and iron , it has above all digestive virtues and stimulating.

More specifically, it soothes stomach aches and effectively treats digestive disorders.

I therefore use it regularly in the kitchen to prevent possible digestive disorders.

I add a few chopped mint leaves to some dishes.

It's delicious in tabbouleh or vegetable soup made with tomatoes, zucchini or celery.

Because it subtly enhances the taste.

I also use it to prepare tomato salads or as a complement in fruit salads.

After the meal, I often concoct a homemade infusion that I prepare by infusing about 5 mint leaves in boiling water.

2. Against insects

Mint is also the best enemy of small insects.

Above all, they dread crossing his path.

In a vegetable garden, our dear little green plant keeps ants away .

And if it is used as an infusion to be sprayed on the leaves of different plants, it does not hesitate to repel aphids .

Finally, if it is applied to the openings of your home, it becomes an impassable barrier for mosquitoes and spiders !

3. To relieve a sting

The antitoxic properties of mint are known to eliminate venom from an insect bite.

It is then used as a compress to relieve pain.

To do this, simply soften the leaves in lukewarm water.

Then put on a poultice for 10 minutes.

There you go, the itching is over.

The 3 virtues of mint that you don t know.

Savings achieved

The mint sold in the supermarket costs between €2 and €3 for just a few branches.

Honestly, don't be fooled.

For the same price you can buy a jar of mint sold in the same supermarket.

It will give you leaves for months if you water it regularly.

Whether you grow it in a pot or in your garden, mint is a fairly easy-to-care-for plant.

So no need to buy it in branch!

A little humidity and shade are enough for its natural development.

A sachet of mint in the supermarket sold for €2 will not last you more than a week whether you have consumed it whole or not.

Because after a week, the mint leaves will be completely dried out.

Believe my experience, because I also fell into the trap.