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The microkiné:do you know?

The microkiné:do you know?

Microkinesitherapy is not well known, at least it seems to me:I did not know until recently, although I am rather "knowledgeable" and follower of what is called alternative or alternative medicine. A friend had spoken to me about it several years ago, explaining to me how, by this technique, she had stopped the problems she had, as well as her children. So I decided to go see a microphysiotherapist.

What is microkinesitherapy?

First of all, you should know that a microkiné is a state-certified physiotherapist , or more rarely, a doctor who has been trained in this technique. Microkinesitherapy is a micropalpatory technique performed with the hands:these gestures aim to identify the traces of aggression carried by different tissues of the body in dysfunction. The practitioner will therefore help trigger the body's self-correction mechanisms to restore the vitality of all these tissues.

When our body undergoes an aggression, we automatically and naturally develop mechanisms which will fight and eliminate the harmful effects of this aggression (healing of a wound, consolidation of a bone following a fracture, antibodies...) but it can happen that this fails, that the body rejects the aggression badly:the attacked tissues will therefore continue to bear sequelae, which will be manifested by their dysfunction.

The intervention of the microkinesitherapist will relaunch the self-correction mechanisms that had not worked well. The tissues will thus quickly resume their normal appearance, and the patient will regain his initial functions. The microphysiotherapist can thus return to attacks suffered several years earlier.

The intervention of the microphysiotherapist

The microkiné:do you know?

My surprise was to find that it was not a question of "strong" bodily manipulations like an osteopath or an etiopath but rather of occasional touches here and there, like palpations, which also allow you to remain dressed.

The microphysiotherapist detected, in one of my relatives, an emotionally strong event that had occurred 15 years ago and which had left him with psychologically painful consequences. During the second session, this "scar" was no longer visible, it had been self-corrected, and it seems that the emotional "mess" is in the process of being put back into place.

For my part, it was food poisoning that had totally upset my digestive functions by making me suffer that the microphysiotherapist identified and corrected, while my attending physician had treated me for a urinary tract infection that the analysis of urine had also spread...

I was therefore able to see that the intervention could be done on infectious, toxic and deficiency attacks as well as on "memory" lesions linked to conscious or unconscious emotions.

Two sessions maximum spaced 1 month apart are necessary, only:if nothing has improved at the end of these 2 sessions, no need to insist, either you are not receptive to this technique, or your suffering is due to another practitioner. It’s also interesting and reassuring to hear that! One last clarification that is not insignificant:the price of the session (about 30 minutes) varies from 45 to 48 €, knowing that some mutual insurance companies cover these costs in part.