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How to protect yourself from the tiger mosquito?

How to protect yourself from the tiger mosquito? This insect which arrived in France in 2004 is rife in more and more regions. Being able to carry certain dangerous viruses such as dengue fever or chikungunya, it is therefore necessary to be extra careful.

For several years, the tiger mosquito has been moving towards the northern regions. Originally from Asia, it can carry several serious diseases.

On its "2021 Tiger Mosquito Map", indicates that 64 departments are on red alert; 6 departments on orange alert; 26 on yellow alert. "In all, 70 departments are colonized or in the process of being so, i.e. nearly 67% of the territory", specifies the site. The overseas departments, in particular Reunion, are also severely affected.

A vector of infectious diseases

This mosquito (Aedes albopictus) is not dangerous as such, although its bites can cause allergic reactions more severe than those of common mosquitoes (Culex pipiens ). The most serious thing is that they can carry viruses responsible for diseases that were once confined to tropical regions, such as dengue fever, chikungunya or zika.

  • Dengue fever manifests itself, after a few days of incubation, by a high fever , severe headaches , muscle pain , nausea and buttons . Complications are rare (haemorrhage in 1% of cases) but they must be taken seriously. Given the current dengue fever epidemic on Reunion Island, the risks of importing the virus are not negligible. If the "tiger" bites an infected person during a recent trip, it becomes a carrier of the germ and can then spread it.

  • Chikungunya is more benign (fatigue, fever, nausea) but it causes joint pain which can become chronic. This disease is regularly reported in France.

  • Zika Virus may cause neurological damage (Guillain-Barré syndrome) and produce, in pregnant women, serious fetal malformations . Until now, it did not circulate in France. But this terrible virus could take hold thanks to the spread of the tiger mosquito.
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How to protect yourself from the tiger mosquito?

How to fight against the proliferation of the tiger mosquito?

As the tiger mosquito generally flies close to its birthplace, the best protection is to prevent it from breeding near its home. To do this, all stagnant water where females can lay their eggs must be removed.

So remove the saucers from the flowerpots of your balconies, terraces and garden. Do not leave toys, buckets and other objects lying around that can harbor a few drops of rain.

Simple steps to protect yourself

If they thrive near your home, opt for light-colored clothing as these insects are attracted to dark hues. To prevent them from entering the house, place screens on doors and windows. And outside, protect yourself with repellents. Only those containing icaridin, IR3535 and DEET have efficacy validated by the World Health Organization (WHO).

No need to shelter under reeds:they bite all day but more in the shade than in full sun.

How to recognize a tiger mosquito?

Tiger mosquitoes can be recognized by their small size (1 to 4 mm) and their thin white stripes on their legs and abdomen .

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