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Here are the signs to suspect a case of schizophrenia

Provide early support for people with Schizophrenia goes through the discovery of the first signs of this mental disorder. However, these signs can be spotted in the private sphere even before a doctor provides a complete diagnosis.

The importance of early support

"Schizophrenia is a complex chronic psychiatric disorder that schematically results in a disturbed perception of reality, productive manifestations, such as delusions or hallucinations, and passive manifestations, such as social and relational isolation. In practice, it can be very different from one patient to another, depending on the nature and severity of the different symptoms they present" , reads in a comprehensive INSERM publication from 2017.

In France, no less than 600,000 people are affected by this severe and chronic mental disorder. It is also a real public health problem insofar as one out of two patients makes at least one suicide attempt for 10% of deaths. In addition, regular use of cannabis before the age of 18 doubles the risk of schizophrenia.

Prompt treatment of patients with schizophrenia is therefore very important. Indeed, drug, physical, but especially preventive treatments can improve the symptoms in about 80% of cases . Patients following a classic course are also much less likely to see their condition improve.

Here are the signs to suspect a case of schizophrenia

Early signs

Schizophrenia usually appears in early adulthood, that is to say between fifteen and thirty years . An appointment with a doctor becomes useful when one perceives in the individual a significant change in his character, his sleep or his ability to concentrate, his morale as well as his possible way of isolating himself. Drug use, presence of suicidal thoughts , tocs or even strange rituals can also represent signs.

There are other specific signs that may indicate the presence ofschizophrenic psychosis . We can cite the cessation of studies (or work), a cessation of outings with friends or sports activities or even a tendency to be suspicious of everything. Let's also mention the appearance of a major hygiene problem, ideas fixed, bizarre or difficult to follow for others as well as the habit of speaking alone. Also, the child may have the impression of hearing voices.

While the causes of schizophrenia remain poorly understood, science is trying to make progress on the subject. In recent years, several studies have claimed that this mental disorder has a genetic origin or could take root at the beginning of pregnancy. In 2019, American researchers estimated that the inhibition of a gene could erase one of the symptoms of schizophrenia:memory loss.