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Protect your family from the flu

The number of people with flu-like symptoms has increased in recent weeks and we can now speak of a mild flu epidemic. Young children aged 0 to 4 years are especially affected by flu-like symptoms. Reduce the spread of germs in your home and help keep your family healthy with these eight tips.

1. Get a flu shot. This is still the strongest defense against the virus and it's not too late in the flu season to take advantage of it.

2. Maintain good hygiene. Wash your hands regularly with warm soapy water and scrub for at least 20 seconds. Do you have young children? Do this for them too.

3. Don't give germs an open invitation. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. The flu virus and other germs enter your body through these places when you touch something that is infected and then touch your face.

4. Germs can lurk in surprising places. Be sure to properly disinfect the most common surfaces in your home such as telephones, doorknobs, tables, faucets, remote controls, and light switches. Germs can live on these surfaces for up to 48 hours.

5. Wash items such as towels and bedding regularly with warm water to kill germs. If anyone in the house is sick, wash these items before sharing.

6. Prevent the spread of germs. It is always a good idea to avoid close contact with sick people, which means that if you or a family member is sick, you stay home from work or school.

7. Practice good health habits. Getting enough sleep, being physically active, and drinking plenty of fluids can help support your immune system this flu season and all year round.

8. When illness strikes, it's time for a deep clean. If someone in the house has been sick, it is necessary to properly disinfect your house.