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This platform allows non-priority people to be vaccinated with unused doses

Recently, an application called "Covidliste" has been in the news. The latter connects vaccination volunteers with pharmacists, doctors or vaccination centres. The goal? Ensure that unused doses find takers.

Nearly a million subscribers

A few days ago, we were talking about the projections of the Institut Pasteur on the evolution of the Covid-19 epidemic in France. Some scenarios are quite optimistic and others much less so. In any case, the sequence of events depends on the results of the campaign of vaccination with the key to a possible lifting of the measures and the beginning of a return to a normal life.

Pharmacists, doctors and other vaccination centers often have a few doses left after the vaccination day. Launched a few weeks ago, the Covidliste platform aims to ensure that these doses do not get lost. It has also become the largest vaccination waiting list in France with 1,161,683 registered at the time of writing.

The objective of Covidliste is therefore to connect vaccination volunteers with the various establishments that have doses of vaccine. So far, 141,099 subscribers were contacted by 1,598 vaccination centers for 11,033 confirmed appointments. And these numbers are increasing every day. When a professional notices the presence of unused doses, he can use Covidliste to find volunteers easily. They then receive an e-mail notification. The nearest subscribers are also contacted by SMS.

This platform allows non-priority people to be vaccinated with unused doses

An addition to the vaccine strategy

"I know I'm not a priority due to my age. But if it can avoid wasting a dose, when I get home from work, I can make a detour to get vaccinated, I don't mind" , Guillaume Jund, 32, said in an article in France Bleu.

Thus, the doses find takers, which allows professionals to avoid losses and at the same time to satisfy individuals who are not a priority at the base. Covidliste therefore aims to be complementary to the vaccine strategy with the aim of achieving herd immunity more quickly, with an efficient flow of vaccine doses.

Finally, you should know that Covidliste is a volunteer initiative. This platform is the result of the collaboration between Martin Daniel (data scientist), Mathieu Ripert (engineer) and Dr Antoine Roux (pneumologist). After the launch of the project, more than a hundred people joined. They are volunteers, IT developers, communicators, legal specialists and designers.