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Why are there snakes in iconography related to medicine?

The emblem of doctors is the staff of Aesculapius, an attribute of the eponymous god in Greek mythology. And this emblem should not be confused with other symbols of the same kind such as the caduceus of Hermes or the cup of Hygeia. Here is what hides behind this symbol known to all.

A mythical staff

For several decades, many medical organizations like the WHO (see main image) have adopted what is known as the "caduceus" as their emblem. More precisely, it is the Staff of Aesculapius , a stick wrapped around a snake. Symbol of the god of medicine Aesculapius (or Asclepius), it has the power to cure all kinds of illnesses, according to ancient tradition. As explained by the Order of Physicians of Belgium, Aesculapius was possibly a renowned physician who practiced in Greece around 1200 BC. Let us also remember that Aesculapius appears in the Iliad, a famous story telling the Trojan War, before becoming the god of medicine. Finally, Zeus kills Aesculapius and Aesculapius becomes a constellation in the shape of a serpent.

“In 420 BC. J.-C., Asklépios received a sanctuary in Athens, located on the southern slope of the Acropolis and near a source. The sick thought they could be cured by sleeping in these temples. Medical centers were often located near holy springs since sleep in temples was preceded by a purifying bath. The patients visited the temples, brought offerings in honor of Asclepius and were treated by the priest-healers, the Asclepiades, who were attached to these temples. The priest-doctors knew the holy secrets of the art of healing which they transmitted from father to son. »

Why are there snakes in iconography related to medicine?

Beware of confusion

The Rod of Aesculapius encompasses several symbols. His staff symbolizes the traveler and the doctor spreading medical science to the world. Because of its ability to change its skin, the snake is the symbol of life and vigor, but it is also supposed to know the virtues of medicinal plants. Let us also mention the mirror located above the staff of the symbol of the Order of Physicians. This one symbolizes prudence and wisdom.

Attention, the medical caduceus should not be confused with the caduceus of Hermes , a stick topped with laurel leaves and around which we find two snakes. Indeed, this staff representing the union of heaven and earth has Sumerian origins much older than the staff of Aesculapius. The fact is that this confusion appears in the sixteenth century. From a symbol of peace in the military field, the Rod of Aesculapius gradually became the emblem of the medical profession.

We must also avoid confusing the staff of Aesculapius with the cup of Hygieia, also originating in Greek mythology. The latter has been used since 1942 by the pharmaceutical professions and can sometimes replace the traditional green cross. Besides, the cup in question is actually a glass of wine.