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Reset your body with this 3-day detox

Reset your body with this 3-day detox

Whether our online editor Chantal wanted to do a 3-day detox? She had never done it before and wanted to give it a try? You too? Have a chance to win a 3-day detox cure from the Detox King or take advantage of the mega discount we can give you!

“I suffer from troubled skin, I don't sleep very well and I started the gingerbread a little early. I think it's very good for my body to detox. Who knows, it might help my ailments?

I can do a 3-day Detox Juice cure from the Detox King. It promises to be a perfect method to properly cleanse your body and get it working efficiently again. By temporarily stopping solid foods, the body gets the time to fully focus on cleaning and repairing organs, tissues and cells. Not only physically but also mentally you get rid of a lot of excess waste.

'That's what my body needs', I immediately think! I decide that I want to start on a Tuesday, then I can build up a bit on Friday and eat normally during the weekend.

Getting used

Before you start, let your body get used to the juice cure for optimal results. From Nathalie, founder of the Detox King, I get the advice to reduce heavy meals a few days in advance, because then the transition for your body to a juice cure will be too big. This can result in headaches and nausea.

I have to avoid products such as cheese, meat, alcohol, coffee, black tea and refined sugars as much as possible on Sundays and Mondays. It got difficult on Sunday. I had a birthday and what it really comes down to:I've had everything I should have left behind. On Monday I will make up for it with fruit, a freshly made pumpkin soup and a salad… Hopefully that will be enough to prevent the headaches and nausea.

Day 1

Early in the morning the Detox Juice cure is delivered to me. The package contains 9 different types of fruit and vegetable juices, nutritional supplements, 3 sachets of detox tea, 3 lemons and instructions for use. What stands out are the names of the juices 'Crazy Carrot', 'Happy Bunny', 'Monkey Fruit'... it will make you happy!

According to the instructions for use, I should take all dietary supplements in the morning. I start very uninhibited with the wheatgrass. I've never had it, so I'm a bit scared of the smell and the taste. This is really not tasty! Then I take a shot of aloe vera, squeeze half a lemon into lukewarm water and immediately take the multivitamin and chlorella. The chlorella, I hear ban Nathalie, binds heavy metals so that they do not remain in your body. It helps to detoxify your body and strengthens your immune system.

My first juice is the Crazy Carot of orange, red pepper, carrot and lime. I have to finish the juice before 12 noon, because that is the next juice's turn. I take a cup every hour. The juice is really tasty and quite filling. At 12 o'clock I wait a little longer before I start with the next one:the Pink Splash with strawberry, beetroot, tomato and carrot. I always put it off a bit, because I'm not a fan of beets. At 1 pm I venture into it, and the shivers run down my spine. This will be a tough one until 4 pm, because then I can start on the next and last juice of the day. I can't quite finish the second one. I really don't like beets, so unfortunately. Fortunately I can last until the afternoon when I start my third and what a beautiful name, the Green Goddess. This is how I hope to feel when I finish this treatment… Later in the evening I take clay water, a powerful detoxifier for your body. It's like drinking a clay mask. Very strange. It's all over my teeth. That will be extra good flossing tonight. At night I have trouble falling asleep. Would my body be confused from this first juice day?

Day 2

I start my morning ritual again with wheatgrass, supplements and lemon water. Now things are a little less uninhibited than yesterday. Now that I know what wheatgrass tastes like, I take it with some reluctance. Luckily my first juice of the day, the Lola, is very tasty. At 11 o'clock my juice bottle is empty, and I'm really hungry… I realize it's going to be a bit more difficult today. To suppress the appetite, I only drink a cup of detox tea. And go for the 5 e time to the toilet this morning. I've never peed so much!

Finally it is 12 o'clock and I can start on the next juice:Happy Bunny. A delicious juice with orange, raspberry and red pepper. It's fine to do, but I think that's also because I'm getting more and more hungry. At 3 p.m. the bottle is already empty. My stomach makes growling noises. Pfff, I'm finding it difficult and it's only day 2!

I also feel a slight headache coming on. So I have some extra glasses of water, but the headache remains. Could that be because I didn't prepare well enough?

Luckily I'm busy with work and I don't have a cup of my last juice of the day until around 5 pm:Clean &Green with spinach, carrot, broccoli and lime. Best to do, a bit spinach-like. Something goes wrong while cooking. I make fresh bolognese sauce for my family. While cutting the carrots, suddenly a carrot is in my mouth. I don't even realize it until I see my hand go back into the carrot bag. What am I doing now! oops? Can that hurt? It's a carrot, but it's solid food… I'll have another cup of Clean &Green soon.

Day 3

The last day has arrived. I still have a mild headache. I think my body is really a bit confused with all this healthy stuff. However, I really like the taste of the juices. My first juice also goes in quickly. The Perfect Skin with cucumber, apple, banana and parsley is wonderfully fresh. One of my favorite juices to date! But of course, this one is too. At 10.30 am the bottle is empty. That will be waived until 12 noon when I can start on the next one. The visions of a simple brown cheese sandwich are getting stronger and stronger. I'm having a hard time again and find it difficult not to start with the afternoon juice:Energy Boost.

At 12 o'clock I don't know how fast I can open the cap. I have such a huge appetite! However, I do feel more energetic. I haven't slept very well again, but it seems as if it bothers me less now.

Even though the advice is to take it easy with exercise during the detox, I still jump on my bike to the city for an appointment. When I get home, I regret it. I've been a bit too active I notice, and that only makes me hungry. I finish the bottle of beet juice from the first day. Who would have thought that! Not tasty, but it fills up again until I start my last juice from 4 pm, the Mokey Fruit with apple, banana, avocado and lemon. This one is really tasty too! So the bottle is empty quickly.

In the evening I find it hard to control when I see my kids and husband at the gingerbread cookies. Just a little longer!

After the Detox Juice Cure

I feel really fine after these days. I have the feeling that I have been doing wonderfully healthy and that my body could really use this reset. The advice is to start slowly with solid foods. Fruit and veggies, and maybe a cracker, is what really should be on the menu. But I can't control myself very well. I'll have a brown cheese sandwich. Something I was so excited about! And he is nice! I leave it at a sandwich and take it easy. The next day I eat normally again and I am proud that I did it after all!


Do you also want to do a 3-day Detox Juice cure? We can give away a juice cure worth € 120,-. This is what you need to do:follow De Detoxkoning on Instagram and fill in the form below before Monday 19 October 2020 .


Don't want to wait? Santé may give a discount on this 3-day Detox Juice cure. Instead of € 120,- euro, you only pay € 80,- including delivery in the Netherlands. Mail to [email protected] and mention the discount code SANTE2020 .

Text:Chantal Anthonio-van Kalsbeek