A recent Israeli study suggests that relatively high exposure to background radiation may reduce the risk of cancer. The researchers advise to question the perception of radiation in general, and especially concerning its dangerousness.
In 2017, we mentioned research on the corals of Bikini Atoll (Marshall Islands). More than 70 years after the last American atomic tests, these corals having undergone long-term radiation exposure could become a weapon of choice in the fight against cancer. What if radiation itself could reduce the risk of certain cancers? This is according to a study conducted by Ben Gurion University of the Negev (Israel), published in the journal Biogerontology on January 22, 2021. According to the researchers, exposure to a fairly high threshold of background radiation is not so bad for your health.
Remember that background radiation relates to the type of radiation that is part of our daily lives. These come from both natural and artificial sources . However, among these radiations, we find those of naturally radioactive rocks (and other materials), nuclear tests and medical X-rays, without forgetting the cosmic radiation of space.
As part of their work, the scientists analyzed data from the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The latter had measured background radiation exposure in no less than 3,129 counties in the country during the 1960s. The researchers then cross-referenced this data with estimates of life expectancy and statistics on cancer rates.
According to the results, citizens living in areas with higher radiation levels are less affected by certain cancers (lung, colon, rectum and pancreas). The study is formal:life expectancy in these areas is about 2.5 years longer than the others. Moreover, the results concern both women and men. However, lower rates of brain and bladder cancers have been observed in men.
Israeli researchers said they don't expect "background radiation cures" to be performed. However, it could be a question of revisiting our perception of these radiations. Many countries – including the United States – are currently fighting a battle to reduce radiation levels on their territory. However, the motivation for these expensive actions lies in the postulate designating these same radiations as being fundamentally harmful.
Finally, the leaders of the study recalled that there was indeed a threshold limit for exposure to radiation. On the other hand, for them, the latter should perhaps not be as low as it is now.