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5 tips for people with a sedentary profession

5 tips for people with a sedentary profession

We read it regularly:'Sitting is the new smoking.' Not good news if you mainly sit at work. By standing as much as possible, you can reduce the damage.

1. Take short breaks more often Don't delay making tea and going to the toilet, these are the ideal moments to get up and move. If you have to make phone calls, do so standing.

2. Don't eat your lunch at a desk
Prefer to go for a walk outside during your lunch break.

3. Mail and call less often
Don't send an email to someone on another floor, but just walk over there. Face to face you not only have a faster answer to your question, you are also out of your place for a while.

4. Get extra exercise before and after your working day
Go to work by bike, get off a bus stop earlier or park your car a little further away. Take the stairs instead of the elevator and don't look for excuses to get out of exercising.

5. Download an app that sends you a reminder
With apps like StandApp and Stand Up! you get a notification when it's time to get up. In the StandUp! you even get exercises that you can do during your short break.