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6 reasons why you are forgetful

6 reasons why you are forgetful

Do you recognize this? You just walked into that room, but can't remember what for. Or you put your coffee mug somewhere in the house, but where? And did you put your phone on silent? Because it is nowhere to be found… You feel forgetful these days. But when is it normal and when are these brain farts a sign of a bigger problem? In this article, we'll discuss 6 reasons why you may be forgetful that have nothing to do with your age.

Memory loss is normal in our society, to a certain extent. With our increasing responsibilities and added stress, we tend to forget what our brain is telling us. For example, it is normal to occasionally forget where your keys are or what that person's name was again. But as soon as you do not remember how you got somewhere or how you actually know that one person, it is advisable to ask your doctor for advice. It is also possible that you suffer from amnesia for one of these reasons. Are you reading along?

1. You are very stressed

When your brain has to constantly shift its focus, it's hard to remember things. When you suffer from a chronic increase in the stress hormone cortisol can put your brain in survival mode, which can block the absorption of new memories. The advice:Find a stress-reducing activity that you enjoy, such as exercising, walking, or reading a book, and do it every day to relax.

6 reasons why you are forgetful 6 reasons why you are forgetful

2. You don't sleep enough

Do you get that 7 hours of sleep every night that we as adults should get? A good night's sleep does more for you than just feeling rested, awake and energized the next day. For example, taking a nap helps enormously in converting short-term memory to long-term memory. Research shows that middle-aged women who slept less than 5 hours or more than 9 hours performed worse on a memory test than women who slept 7 hours.

3. You have depression symptoms

People who suffer from depression often have a poorer memory, according to research. This may be partly due to the increase in the stress hormone cortisol (read above). Depression is a common link with a decline in memory performance. If you can't think of anything but difficulties and depression, your memory can be significantly affected.

6 reasons why you are forgetful 6 reasons why you are forgetful

4. You have an infection

Surprisingly, meningitis, Lyme disease, and urinary tract infections are also causes of brain fog and memory problems. If you also have symptoms such as fever , chills, nausea and vomiting, or frequent urination with a burning sensation, contact your doctor.

5. Your thyroid is not functioning properly

Your thyroid is a gland located in the underside of your neck that makes many of the hormones that control your body, such as your metabolism. If your thyroid glands decline — a condition called hypothyroidism — your brain may also decline. Research suggests that adults with hypothyroidism had less volume in their hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls learning and memory. Other symptoms of hypothyroidism may include an intolerance to cold, dry skin, fatigue, or depression.

6. You have a vitamin deficiency

Any form of anemia, such as an iron deficiency or a B12 deficiency, can cause brain fog and forgetfulness. Research shows that an increase in iron can make memory work 5 to 7 times better than the memory of someone with an iron deficiency. Always discuss with your doctor whether you may have a deficiency of B12 or iron before you start taking vitamins .

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