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Why you are attractive to mosquitoes

Why you are attractive to mosquitoes

This is why you might get punctured, while your partner next to you isn't bothered by it.

Read also:Why am I often bitten by mosquitoes?

One is a more attractive target than the other, but where does it come from? According to research, it has to do with your innate body odor.

Nineteen fraternal twins and eighteen identical twins participated in the study, which showed this. Their body odor was spread through a wind tunnel in the shape of a Y. Then mosquitoes were released into the tunnel.

In identical twins, the mosquitoes spread over the two tunnels, both of which have the same odor. In fraternal twins, who share fewer genes and therefore have different smells, the mosquitoes had a clear preference for one of the tunnels.

Not only smell is decisive So it seems very likely that body odor plays an important role in determining whether you are attractive to mosquitoes or not. Follow-up research should show how this is possible. Still, it's not just the body odor. Other factors, such as carbon dioxide, also play a role.