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What types of vitamin B are there?

What types of vitamin B are there?

B vitamins boost your mood, mind, energy and happiness.

Types of vitamin B

Vitamin B1:thiamine

Indispensable for the energy supply of your body, the functioning of the heart muscle and the nervous system.
Is in: bread and other grain products, potatoes, vegetables, meat and dairy products.

Vitamin B2:riboflavin

Helps in the energy supply of the body.
Is in: milk and milk products, but also in meat, meat products, vegetables, fruit, bread and other grain products.

Read also:What is vitamin B?

Vitamin B3:nicotinic acid

Important for the energy supply and plays a role in the production of fatty acids in your body.
Is in: meat, fish, whole grains, vegetables and potatoes.

Vitamin B5:pantothenic acid

Necessary for the energy supply of the body and the construction and breakdown of proteins and fats.
Is in: eggs, whole grain products, legumes, milk and milk products, vegetables and fruit.

Vitamin B6:including pyridoxine

Important for the metabolism, especially for the breakdown and construction of amino acids.
Is in: meat, fish, eggs, bread and grain products, potatoes, legumes, vegetables, milk, dairy and cheese.

Vitamin B8:biotin

Releases energy from food and plays a role in the formation of fatty acids. Biotin keeps your skin and hair healthy.
Is in: eggs, liver, milk, nuts and peanuts.

Vitamin B11:folic acid

Necessary for the growth and functioning of the body. And for the production of white and red blood cells.
Is in: green vegetables, whole grain products, bread, meat and to a lesser extent dairy.

Read also:6 Foods that are packed with vitamin A

Vitamin B12:cobalamin

Necessary for the production of red blood cells that carry oxygen in your blood. Important for proper functioning of the nervous system.
Is in: Animal products such as milk, dairy products, meat, fish and eggs.

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