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Why are seasonal allergies constantly increasing?

Seasonal allergies are back with spring. However, a study has determined that these allergies have increased worldwide over the past two decades. The reason lies in the increase in pollen present in the air. An increase that should increase in the future.

An increase in pollen in the air

As France deconfines, the Covid-19 threat is still present. Moreover, it is now spring and seasonal allergies are making a comeback . Someone who coughs or sneezes is obviously stared at. The fact is that the symptoms of the coronavirus are many but also very varied. In other words, it is quite complicated to know if the responsible is the allergy or the Covid-19. In case of doubt, it is incumbent to consult a doctor.

The fact is that in the future, the pollen responsible for seasonal allergies will not experience a crisis! Shows a study conducted for the United States Department of Agriculture and published in The Lancet Planetary Health in March 2019, pollen in the air increased around the world over the past twenty years. However, this increase goes hand in hand with that of average temperatures.

A problem linked to climate change

In the long term, this increase in seasonal allergies represents a significant health and economic burden . According to the World Health Organization (WHO), allergic diseases rank fourth among chronic diseases in the world. The WHO considers them to be a major public health problem and mentions an impact on the quality of life , the loss of days of work or education, the cost of treatment as well as mortality in certain cases.

Why are seasonal allergies constantly increasing?

The study notably mentions a probable scenario in which we find seasons less and less marked due to climate change. In this case, seasonal allergies could spread out over a larger part of the year . The researchers also explain that a higher presence of carbon dioxide could promote the production of pollen by plants. However, more pollen means more plants the following year, and therefore more allergies.

The study leaders estimate that, by 2040, the amount of pollen will double in some areas the United States. But it is possible to extend this model on a global scale, and Europe would obviously not be spared.