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What Pain Can Hypnosis Treat?

The last few years have seen the rise of medical techniques that are as surprising as they are subject to discussion. This is particularly the case with hypnosis, which, despite some reluctance, has gradually made its way into the field of health. Whether in therapy or during medical interventions, its effectiveness has often been highlighted. But how does it act on our body exactly? And what are the pains that it can help to manage?

How hypnosis works

Very formally, hypnosis can be defined as “a higher state of consciousness” and is described by the WHO as traditional and complementary medicine – in the same way as acupuncture and osteopathy. When we abandon stage hypnosis to focus on medical hypnosis , it is necessary to focus on how it can work and what it acts on.

The goal of hypnosis is to achieve concentration such as what is happening around of a hypnotized person can be overshadowed by the mind. For this, relaxation techniques are used:they serve to modify feelings , sometimes to dissociate themselves from them or even use metaphors. And this goes for sensations such as pain , the perception of which can be annihilated.

What Pain Can Hypnosis Treat?

An increasingly used technique

During operations, it makes it possible to avoid taking medication and anesthetics after which it takes some time to recover. This is a comfort significant for people undergoing surgery, and savings on the other hand.

Used mainly during surgery and in psychotherapy , hypnosis is more and more mobilized in medicine. If there are people who are skeptical about its effectiveness, the fact remains that it has many advantages. And according to the Doctonat website, the pains that can be managed through hypnosis are very different in nature.

What Pain Can Hypnosis Treat?

Pain managed by hypnosis

As we have seen, hypnosis is used as part of medical procedures, primarily by helping to alleviate the pain and anxiety that accompanies them. Studies also report a lower proportion of bleeding as part of these operations.

Research on cataract and knee surgeries has also found feeled less pain compared to "traditional" interventions. In the same way, alleviation of post-operative pain was observed.

In parallel, new hypnosis techniques are also emerging, for example with virtual reality. Proof of the lasting installation of this technique in the medical environment.

Hypnosis is also effective for chronic pain , in the context of diseases and conditions such as migraines , back pain , irritable bowel syndrome and pain caused by cancer.

Also let's not forget that several hypnosis sessions can be performed in a psychological setting , pain is not always the prerogative of the physical domain. For example to quit smoking, reduce compulsive behaviors or overcome a trauma .

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