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Containment:the French have gained weight and have made love less!

As the confinement linked to the Covid-19 epidemic is coming to an end, a study reveals that a good part of the French have gained weight. In addition, it seems that the confinement has also impacted the sexual life of citizens. Indeed, a decrease in the frequency of intercourse has been observed.

Containment and weight gain

You may already know this, but confinement may have made you fat! According to a study published by Ifop (PDF in French) for Darwin Nutrition on May 7, 2020, 57% of French people gained weight. The reason ? A obvious lack of physical activity and recurrence of snacking. The study estimates that, on average, those affected gained an average of 2.5 kg!

More specifically, you should know that 3,045 people representative of the French population responded to a self-administered questionnaire online between April 24 and 27, 2020. However, 56% of men and 58% of women said they had gained weight, 2.7 kg on average for men and 2.3 kg for women since March 17, the start of confinement. The study shows some surprising results, since 33% of respondents believe they are more careful than before when it comes to their balanced diet. However, it should be noted that 29% of respondents say they have lost weight.

Containment:the French have gained weight and have made love less!

Impact on sex life

It seems that during the confinement, the lack of activity has also translated into the bedroom . In any case, that's what says another Ifop study published on May 5, 2020 on behalf of, an online consultation website for sexologist doctors. If for some people, confinement has been synonymous with an explosion of libido, the general trend is rather the opposite.

Here again, 3,045 people representative of the French population answered the questionnaire. According to the results, 44% of respondents said they had no sex during confinement compared to 26% in normal times. These figures are nuanced:87% of single people said they had had no sex compared to 21% for people in a relationship. In addition, masturbatory practices have remained present, but especially with regard to men.

This lack of sexual activity and this significant weight gain can be linked to certain practices that have exploded during confinement. In the "home activities" category, we find watching films and series but also video games. According to a study covering the week of March 23-29, 2020, time spent on video games increased by 38% in France. Finally, it seems certain that the deconfinement which will begin this Monday, May 11, 2020 could be a source of relief for many people!