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Women and cancers:no fatality, we have the means to act!

Women and cancers:no fatality, we have the means to act! Cancer, a fatality? It's time to review your copy! Even if the risk 0 does not exist, we have the means to act:a varied and balanced diet, a minimum of regular physical activity, quality sleep, constant medical monitoring and time for ourselves, here are the keys to take charge of your health.

You already know:four out of ten cancers are directly linked to our way of life. For a cell to become cancerous, one or more of its genes must have mutated. These mutations, which result from a genetic predisposition in 10% of cancer cases, are often caused or favored by our environment or our lifestyles. The good news ? Each of us can break this cycle by reducing the risks. How? 'Or' What ? By adopting the magic formula 0 / 5 / 30 daily:0 tobacco, 5 fruits and vegetables minimum and 30 minutes of dynamic physical activity!

“Sport is vital! »

"You absolutely have to move", warns Professor François Carré, cardiologist and sports doctor at Rennes-1 University. And this, from an early age! Between 1971 and 2011, the children's physical abilities have decreased by 25%! It's not just a "plus" for our health, it's vital! The Right Dose:30 minutes a day of moderately breathless physical activity for adults – women don’t have to settle for an average hour a week! 1 -, and 1 hour per day for children (skateboarding, Frisbee, cycling, brisk walking, football, etc.). Their parents and the school really have to explain to them how to take care of their bodies, to move, to eat well…” . To boys AND girls! "Because we still hear too often that dance is for girls, football, rugby and judo, for boys! », regrets Anaïs Bounouar, head of the women's section of the Stade Malherbe de Caen. Girls are just as capable of intense training! The benefits of sport, physiological and psychological, are universal:muscle building, better self-esteem, enhanced sociability...” . In addition to limiting weight gain (responsible for nearly 20,000 new cases of cancer in 2020 according to the Inca) and promoting good sleep – “aim 7 hours of sleep to recover well » , specifies Patrick Lemoine, doctor in neurosciences, practicing regular physical activity decreases by 20 to 30% the risks of developing a chronic pathology such as cancer. For women with breast cancer, moving regularly reduces the risk of death by 30% and recurrence by 35%.

Taking responsibility for your health

"In addition to these rules of hygiene of life, it is really necessary to insist on the major risk factors that are alcohol and tobacco", says Anne Feyler, doctor of public health and coordinating doctor of the Charente-Maritime site of the Regional Cancer Screening Coordination Center (CRCDC) of New Aquitaine. Involved in the occurrence of many cancers, breast, liver, lung, upper aerodigestive tract, bladder..., “it is never too late to act”. Reducing or stopping your consumption is a win-win! Five years after smoking the last cigarette, the risk of lung cancer is halved. And continues to decline over the years. As for alcohol, count ten years after stopping its consumption to see a decrease in the likelihood of developing cancer of the aerodigestive tract. After 20 years, the level is the same as for someone who has never drunk! Good news, 91% of the French population declares that they consume less than or equal to the recommended limit of 10 units of alcohol per week. Moreover, according to the mutual AÉSIO survey conducted with Harris Interactive, the majority of women aged 18 to 24 claim to have their alcohol consumption under control:less than 5 drinks per week, or half the maximum recommended threshold.

The lack of a balanced diet is also one of the main causes of deterioration in health. Conversely, despite a good knowledge of prevention messages around 5 fruits and vegetables a day, the reputation of which is second to none, only a third of the population consumes these quantities daily.

Another weapon to reduce cancer, do not play the ostrich policy! Postponing screening appointments (breast, colorectal cancer, cervical cancer, melanoma, etc.) has never saved anyone:"Unlike screening programs for breast cancer, colorectal cancer and the cervix which, by diagnosing them earlier, improves the chances of recovery and eases the treatment of these diseases. These very simple gestures can save your life. Get closer to your doctor for an update adds Dr. Anne Feyler. Last way to preserve your health capital, limit self-medication! If like 75% 2 women aged 35 to 49, you dig into your medicine cabinet to treat yourself, for lack of time or means, or because you have trouble getting a medical appointment, you run the risk of masking certain symptoms and to miss a more serious pathology if this practice is not supervised by your doctor. Not to mention the possible drug interactions or the risk of overdose. It is therefore always better to go through the pharmacy advice box!

Taking care of yourself

“Often overwhelmed, women don’t always have time to think about themselves” , emphasizes Elodie Lévy, Director of Prevention and Health Promotion at AÉSIO Mutuelle. Reason why we want to teach them the right gestures, the right attitudes to live in better health » . This goes well beyond the coverage of preventive acts (vaccines, smoking cessation, etc.), packages for consultations with nutritionists, psychologists, sophrologists offered in the health coverage guarantees. “We We are stepping up awareness-raising actions and we are associated with many events in favor of screening. In the field, we have forged strong partnerships in our regions, by participating in many solidarity races, Pink Loops with the professional hairdressing branch, Demoiselles du Bugatti at Le Mans... In September, the Rallye des Deuch'S, #cancertousconcernés, will resume the road through France to raise women's awareness of sun prevention, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, respiratory tract cancer linked to tobacco and asbestos... A photo exhibition, "Cancer and link", will highlight pairs, patient and carer or loved one… and podcasts will give voice to witnesses who will discuss their cancer experience, from announcement to resilience. Another highlight, on September 30, we will offer a conference on the theme Cancer and work in Paris. And always in common thread, on the site, many articles, conferences in replay to inform, prevent, support..., without forgetting the community Instagram "Martine &her crab" active and reactive” .

Working together is also...

A partnership with the associations Laurette Fugain (blood cancers), Imagyn (gynecological cancers and awareness of HPV vaccination – girls AND boys!) and navigator Nicolas JOSSIER (lymphoma),

The AÉSIO santé Pro offer (offer intended for independent professionals) with a Better living with serious pathologies package,

Additional serious illness cover with the payment of a lump sum if a serious illness is declared,

The cancer support pack and social action schemes to offer exceptional assistance to members in the event of hardships,

The IMA assistance à la carte service:a budget envelope for support care, ancillary services, from medical lingerie to food supplements, including sports and complementary medical care.

1, 2 AÉSIO Mutual x Harris interactive survey on women's health, survey conducted online from April 29 to May 6, 2021. Sample of 2,027 people representative of the French population aged 18 and over.

More information on #WOMEN'SHEALTH

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