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Dry and brittle hair? The Miracle Remedy Your Hair Will LOVE!

Dry and brittle hair? The Miracle Remedy Your Hair Will LOVE!

The sun, the beach and pollution dry out our hair.

As a result, the hair is super dry and brittle.

In addition, they look like straw and are uncombable...

But no need to buy special oils for dry hair.

They are way too expensive and full of questionable products.

Fortunately, there is a miracle remedy to repair and nourish them.

Don't worry, the recipe is very simple and your hair will love it! Watch:

Dry and brittle hair? The Miracle Remedy Your Hair Will LOVE!

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?

What you need

- 2 teaspoons of calophylle inophylle oil

- 2 teaspoons of castor oil

- 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil

- 2 teaspoons of sesame oil

- 20 drops of fine lavender essential oil

- 10 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil

- spray bottle

Dry and brittle hair? The Miracle Remedy Your Hair Will LOVE!

How to

1. Take the bottle.

2. Add all the ingredients one by one in it.

3. Shake the bottle to mix well.

4. Spray on the hair, working well with your fingers.


And There you go ! Thanks to this miracle remedy, dry and brittle hair is over :-)

Easy, natural and effective, right?

No more straw-dry hair!

Apply this grandmother's remedy as soon as your hair becomes too dry.

Remember to repeat this treatment at least once a week.

Put in the fridge to keep this remedy for several weeks.

In addition, you can use this homemade treatment as soon as you expose yourself to the sun. A bit like sunscreen for hair!

Why does it work?

These oils nourish the entire hair to the tips.

Thus, the hair is shinier, more supple and regains its natural curls.

In addition, this treatment forms a sheath on your hair that protects it from the sun's rays and bad weather.