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Why is CBD so popular among athletes and sportspeople?

Cannabidiol is a cannabinoid found in cannabis, more commonly known as “CBD”. The latter has greatly increased in popularity in recent years. Indeed, CBD has been adopted by people of all ages seeking relief for a variety of symptoms. But the substance has also gained special appeal among sportsmen and athletes.

Why are many athletes and sportspeople interested in CBD? It should be noted that there is a huge amount of anecdotal evidence, and a growing body of clinical research suggesting that this cannabis compound may benefit symptoms such as pain and anxiety. Today, a growing number of athletes are using and endorsing CBD products for this reason.

What is CBD?

CBD is one of the cannabinoids:these are the 144 active molecules found in hemp (known as cannabis), one of the oldest plants domesticated by humans. Hemp has been exploited for millennia for its industrial use (paper, plastic, building, etc.), but also for its beneficial food intake. Unlike its cousin, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the main active ingredient in cannabis, CBD is not psychoactive.

It has been discovered that the cannabinoids of the cannabis plant can interact with receptors in our body, which are naturally reserved for endogenous cannabinoids (or endocannabinoids). Together these are known as the endocannabinoid system and are thought to modulate a number of physiological and neurological processes such as pain management, mood control, appetite and immune system functions.

What health conditions can CBD be useful for?

Although research in this area is still limited, there are a number of clinical trials and reviews that have been able to demonstrate that CBD can be helpful in treating a variety of symptoms and ailments. These include pain, stress and anxiety.

Anxiety :it is one of the most common "mental health" problems facing modern society, and scientists have found that CBD interacts with CB1 and serotonin receptors, leading to an increase in the development of substances natural, anandamide and serotonin. These naturally occurring compounds are known to regulate feelings of anxiety and depression.

Pain: caused by a number of various illnesses or health conditions, it is also often cited as a reason for using CBD. At this level, scientists have discovered that the compound's interaction with the endocannabinoid system interferes with the reception of pain. Indeed, the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD mean that the substance can be added to topical treatments for example.

What is the connection between athletes and CBD?

Nowadays, more and more athletes and sports people are talking openly about consuming CBD. Many have even endorsed specific CBD brands, including pro golfer Gerry Lester Watson Jr (nicknamed “Bubba”), and MMA fighter Jessica-Rose Clark. This is also the case for other professionals in the field of BMX, FMX, surfing, skateboarding and many other sports. “I have personally experienced the benefits of CBD products said Watson, who is partnered with a CBD brand.

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Indeed, it should be known that the analgesic potential of CBD can be used topically through topical lotions for muscle pain. And some users also report pain relief after taking the cannabinoids sublingually as oil drops or orally via capsules and edibles.

But being an athlete at a professional level can undoubtedly also be very anxiety-provoking:many top athletes can therefore also benefit from the anti-stress potential of the compound.

What about CBD and sports regulations?

Recently, sports regulators are also becoming more liberal when it comes to CBD. For example, in 2017, the World Anti-Doping Agency removed CBD from its list of prohibited substances. Then, other sports decision-making bodies quickly followed suit. However, some continue to advise against the use of CBD products.

Although this remains a significant issue in a large number of countries, given the nascent CBD market, it has apparently not put off many athletes, as they maintain their trust in the brands they support.

Sources:USADA, canex