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Insect bites, remedies and tips

Insect bites, remedies and tips

It is a phobia for many, and in the summer there are even more of them:insects. But the most unpleasant remains their bites. Pain, itching, redness:we hate them! But there is no question of poisoning yourself by wanting to get rid of them, natural remedies exist to prevent and treat insect bites.

Prevention is better than cure

There is no mistaking the old adage, when it comes to insect bites, the easiest thing is to avoid them.

First, there are the little tips that we all have in mind:do not leave the windows open at night when there is light inside, otherwise you will attract all kinds of insects. On a walk, wear well-covering clothes and also avoid putting on perfume. Finally, at home, install mosquito nets on your windows or around your bed to protect you from these unwanted visitors.

To go further in prevention, switch to repellents! But forget the traditional bug spray. Many studies have revealed in recent years that they very often contain substances that are harmful to your health but also to the environment. Instead, use natural repellents, which are just as effective and have no impact on you or the planet.

Natural repellents:

White vinegar

An essential product in our cupboards, white vinegar is also a good ally to scare away insects. Pour a small amount into a cup and set it on a table or piece of furniture to keep mosquitoes at bay.


Lemongrass is also a well-known home remedy for repelling mosquitoes. When planted in the garden, lemongrass will diffuse a sweet repellent smell for these insects. One of the most common methods consists of diluting 2 to 3 drops of lemongrass essential oil in 5 ml of vegetable oil and applying to the skin, a protection to be renewed every two hours. Be careful though, in this form, it is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as children under 3 years old.


Its big advantage:you can grow it at home! Prefer peppermint for more efficiency. Cut it, dry it and put it everywhere in your home, it will be very effective against mosquitoes, but also wasps, spiders or ants.


Another repellent that you can find directly in your garden. It too is very effective against insects and, unlike vinegar, its sweet fragrance will brighten up your interior. To dry and place in a fabric pouch under the pillow to spend peaceful nights. A few drops of true lavender essential oil in the hollow of the wrist repel mosquitoes and relieve bites thanks to its analgesic properties.

Natural remedies to soothe insect bites

And if you ever have the misfortune to be bitten by one or more insects, don't panic, there are also natural solutions. Most of them are effective against the most frequent stings.

Vinegar:white or cider

Again, our good bottle of white vinegar or cider will be useful in case of bites. In addition to its antiseptic properties, it helps soothe itching. Effective on mosquito bites but also for many other insect bites.

You can also mix it with baking soda to obtain a paste to apply directly to the bite.

The ice cube

In the event of a bite during the aperitif, an ice cube will temporarily relieve the itching thanks to the anesthetic action of the cold. It will come back as soon as the ice cube is removed...


A totally natural and very effective antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, honey will soothe mosquito bites and a whole host of other little bugs. Put it directly on the skin like a care cream.

Green clay

Applied as a poultice to the bite, green clay will help your body get rid of the irritating substance. Green clay also has antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

But also:

– Aloe vera, known for its moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties

– The leek which contains a juice that limits itching and swelling (cut it in half lengthwise and rub the bite directly with it)

– Lemon, which contains citric acid, will relieve the urge to scratch and soothe the sting. Rub the area directly with a puck or squeeze the juice into a compress before applying it to the wound.

Papaya against wasp stings

A particularly effective remedy for wasp stings, this fruit contains papain, an enzyme that has the power to neutralize venom.

What to do in case of severe allergy or sting?

At the slightest alert, dial 15 (SAMU) or 112 (emergency number throughout the European Union).

-In case of difficulty in breathing or swallowing, malaise, vomiting, generalized rash, fever, chills or appearance of a bluish color on the skin:place the person in the lateral position of safety in waiting for help.

-If the victim is allergic to the offending insect and has a self-injecting adrenaline pen, use it.

-If you have been stung by a wasp, a bee or a hornet directly in the throat and you have difficulty breathing:suck an ice cube to reduce the edema and consult urgently. Multiple stings, beyond 20 in adults and 4-5 in children also require emergency consultation because of the amount of venom injected into the body.

The tiger mosquito, more and more present on the territory

Black with white stripes, that's how to recognize it. Originally from Asia and arrived in France in the early 2000s, it is spreading more and more on our territory. Its particularly painful sting is generally benign. We must however remain vigilant because it can be a vector of 3 serious diseases:dengue fever, Zika and chikungunya. To protect yourself from this, know that he loves stagnant water and hates lemongrass. The Ministry of Solidarity and Health regularly updates a map showing the presence of the tiger mosquito in France.

They are called “Grandmothers' remedies”, yet they are the most effective in keeping insects away. Provided you use them in the right way and at the right times. In case of light bites and without complications, you will find, in the same way, a solution to relieve you. On the other hand, at the slightest concern, do not take any risks and turn to health professionals.
And if many natural remedies are effective in dealing with the little hassles of everyday life, don't forget to go on vacation with a well-filled first aid kit!

Source: aedes-albopictus-in-metropolitan-france