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Yogurt and health

Yogurt and health

For children, teenagers, adults and seniors alike, the importance of yogurt in a balanced diet program cannot be overemphasized. Only drawback, how to navigate with the quantity of references arranged on several meters of shelves in store?

Milk or yogurt?

While several decades ago, milk was mainly promoted as the reference food that was to dominate in our diet, in recent years attention has shifted more towards organic yogurt. Of course, a glass of milk a day is recommended for children and teenagers who are still growing. On the other hand, according to certain studies carried out by scientists, drinking a lot of it could lead to digestive and intestinal dysfunctions.

Because of this, more and more people are turning to soy-based vegetable drinks, which do not, however, have the same organoleptic qualities as cow's milk. In reality, it all depends on which cow's milk we are talking about. UHT sterilized milk undergoes so much heating and treatment that it no longer has much nutritional value and becomes indigestible, even allergenic. Besides, raw milk, which has not undergone any intervention, helps to strengthen the immune system of children.

To come back to yogurts, their advantage is certainly to be more easily assimilated by the body, insofar as lactose is less present in them than in milk. The small problems of bloating and gas generated by the lactose intolerance of some people should no longer occur with yogurts.

Finally, we must not forget to mention their very low calorie content, thus making this dairy product the favorite food of fans of slimming diets. Eating it daily does not make you fat, that's for sure.

Which yogurt to eat?

Yogurt and health

Nevertheless, for our body to fully benefit from the virtues of yogurt, quality products must be preferred. How to choose when faced with a variety such as:Greek yogurt, stirred, unctuous, plain, flavoured, light, with fruit, 0%… And that's not to mention the different brands, thus making the task even more difficult. Hence, no doubt, the great success encountered today by organic yoghurts:they guarantee an unmodified product, without chemical additives.

We can be sure of this given the specifications to which they must respond, which are draconian. As a result, their manufacture is particularly monitored, and we are sure to find ourselves in front of good products.

The AB label is indeed the guarantee of cows fed with organic food, thus producing organic milk. As for yoghurts, manufacturers only use non-chemical lactic ferments.

But regardless of your preferences in the range of different yogurts, many criteria will be involved in your choice. Above all, do not be satisfied with the visual and the presentation which are only marketing, but take the time to read the labels carefully. Already, only yoghurts obtained with lactobacillus bulgaricus and streptococcus termophilus are recommended, without forgetting that products with a high level of sugar and sweetener should be eliminated automatically.