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Skin allergies:which allergens? Precautions and treatments

Skin allergies:which allergens? Precautions and treatments Allergies come in different forms. One of the areas most affected by allergies is the skin. This is completely normal since the skin is the first barrier in direct contact with the environment.

It turns out that our organism reacts badly to certain substances, and can even present a certain intolerance. From this moment, allergies can manifest themselves in the skin, this is called skin allergy .

Simply put, a skin allergy is an abnormal reaction of the skin to a substance called an allergen. In this article, skin allergies will be combed through to find out how they present, what can you be allergic to, and how to prevent or treat them.

What are the main skin allergies?

There are two types of skin allergy:hives and eczema.


The first case of skin allergy, urticaria, is what is called immediate allergy. That is to say that it is a reaction that presents itself from the first hours, even from the first minutes after contact with the allergen. Urticaria therefore presents as an inflammatory reaction of the skin. Often it manifests as raised red patches with severe itching. The reactions are similar to nettle stings, hence the name urticaria. There are three types of origin to urticaria:

  • allergic urticaria caused by a well-identified source,
  • physical urticaria can be caused by cold or excessive physical exertion,
  • urticaria resulting from diseases, namely infections such as hepatitis, thyroid pathologies, infectious mononucleosis, etc.

In addition, there is a very special case that can arise:it is Quincke's edema which happens to be deep urticaria. Angioedema is a severe allergic reaction that can be fatal. Often it manifests with swelling of the tissues in the face and respiratory tract. It is therefore possible at this time that the lips, tongue and eyelids swell. It can even happen that the airways are blocked, causing asphyxiation.


The second case of skin allergy concerns eczema. Unlike hives, eczema is a delayed reaction that occurs only a few days after contact with the allergen. Eczema itself comes in two categories:

  • atopic eczema which is basically an inflammatory disease causing itching. This form of allergy is very common in infants, children and young adults. It can be caused by hereditary factors, but can also occur due to environmental factors.
  • contact eczema:this allergy occurs when the person is sensitive to certain substances or allergens, thus forming a localized patch of eczema.

List of the main skin allergens

Skin allergies:which allergens? Precautions and treatments

There are different types of allergens making each person more or less sensitive. They can be grouped into three classifications:

Airborne allergens

These are allergens present in the air, whether indoors or outdoors. The best known are mites, pollens, molds or animal hair. Often airborne allergens cause asthma or ENT signs, but can also lead to skin allergies. Contact with cat hair, for example, can cause hives.

Food allergens

Also called trophallergens, these allergens affect all those contained in food. Food allergy can occur when we eat a food that is unfamiliar to our metabolism. But there are also real allergies to common foods. The most recurrent in terms of food allergies are seafood, peanuts, soy, nuts, cereals, eggs, lactose, exotic fruits.

Contact allergens

it is quite simply chemicals such as cosmetics, preservatives, plant extracts… This group can also include allergies to jewelry, certain fabrics and certain clothes such as bras…

Precautions and treatments for skin allergies

The first reflex to have when skin allergies occur is of course to go see your dermatologist. Especially if your skin is itchy and red, only dermatologist advice and treatment can avoid complications. The treatment prescribed by the latter will depend on the severity of your condition.

If you have already defined the different allergens to which you are sensitive, you must take all the necessary precautions not to come into contact with or swallow the elements that may contain them.

If you have not yet identified the allergens responsible for your various skin allergies, it is always possible to do skin tests. To do this, it is enough to make an appointment with an allergist doctor.

When a person is affected by angioedema, it is essential to alert the emergency services and to scrupulously follow the doctor's instructions until help arrives.

In addition, when small skin allergies arise, there are emergency treatments that you can have at home in your pharmacy. For example, it is essential to always have antihistamines that help calm hives and irritations. On the other hand, for the treatment of different eczema, corticosteroids can reduce inflammation. This type of medication usually comes in the form of a cream or ointment. It is always desirable to have the opinion of a doctor when you are faced with an allergy so that, at first, he can define the source of your allergies. After consultation, the latter can prescribe the right treatments and medications to use for your recovery.

Once you are aware of the factors that cause allergic rashes, it is essential to avoid them by taking all possible precautions. Know that from now on, consumers are entitled to know and be informed of any potential presence of allergens in food products. The same goes for prepackaged foodstuffs, the product labeling must absolutely contain the list of allergens. In canteens, restaurants, food shops, this list must also be visible to the consumer.