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Which Baby Milk? The Best Baby Milk is...

Which Baby Milk? The Best Baby Milk is...

Are you at a loss when faced with the multitude of infant milks on the market? Yet the best baby milk is breast milk.

Baby experts now advise breastfeeding at least 6 months , that is to say until the beginning of food diversification, knowing that this duration can be extended according to the desire and the capacity of the mother!

Breastfeeding has many advantages, both for the child and for his mother.

Breastfed Babies are generally more resistant to infection and develop fewer allergies than those who are bottle-fed. And what's more important than a healthy baby?

For mothers, breastfeeding helps reduce breast and ovarian cancers. Finally, a significant advantage, breastfeeding promotes weight loss after childbirth.

Not to mention of course the unique emotional bond that is created between the mother and the child during this privileged moment...

Which Baby Milk? The Best Baby Milk is...

Savings Achieved

When you know that a box of milk costs on average between 15 and 20 € and that a baby takes around 6 bottles a day, imagine the savings you will make!

Not to mention the bottles and the sterilizer that you won't need...

By boosting your baby's immunity, you also limit future visits to the pediatrician.

In addition to the savings, you will also have the convenience of being able to feed your baby at any time, without worrying about the packaging or the temperature of the milk.

For even more savings on your baby budget, read our tip for finding cheap clothes for him.