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Maintaining your memory after 60:5 tips and tricks

Maintaining your memory after 60:5 tips and tricks

Finding that you lose your memory is not uncommon after 60 years. Experts say so. Whatever your age, but especially when you get older, maintaining your memory requires exercising your brain on a daily basis. Indeed, the latter retains information only if it is regularly requested. If its functioning is complex, it does not prevent that the brain is a muscle. And, like any muscle, it needs to be trained. Certain activities that are very easy to perform on a daily basis, or in any case frequently, and simple practices to adopt make it possible to avoid memory problems. Our 5 tips and tricks to maintain your memory after 60.

1 - Maintaining your memory while playing

To maintain your memory after 60 years, there is no need to practice restrictive exercises and, in fact, unpleasant in the end. To stimulate your brain and help it retain information, whether visual, auditory, or olfactory, practicing fun activities is excellent for memory.

Alone or in a group, you can, for example, play games of cards, letters or numbers. So many activities that solicit neurons and appeal to memory. These games indeed contribute to thinking, strategizing, looking up in a dictionary, etc., which train and stimulate the brain with the necessary attention, observation and concentration.

In addition, playing is good for morale, especially when you practice these activities in a group. So, do not deprive yourself of it since it is also a good way to maintain your memory after 60 years!

2 - Inventing your own mnemonic cues

Everyone remembers the mnemonic devices that we learned at school, these techniques capable of helping the memory to easily recall rules, difficult to learn most of the time, by mental association processes.

The famous "But where is Ornicar?" intended to remember coordinating conjunctions, or even the phrase "to die only takes one r because you only die once", still remain in our memories after many years.

A technique to remember after the age of 60 to stimulate your ability to remember various information. You can even invent your own mnemonic devices to maintain your memory. A fun activity that will stimulate your brain and help you retain information that is personalized and important to you!

3 - Staying active and curious keeps your memory alive

The best trick for maintaining your memory after 60 is certainly to stay active despite your advancing age.

Indeed, the brain is also solicited when we make sure to always be dynamic. Staying active means multiplying outings, cultural for example, such as visits to museums, monuments, going to the cinema, etc. Activities that you can also practice with your family or friends.

Traveling is also a very good solution to stay active and maintain your memory after 60 years. Travel, excursions or other stays promote curiosity and keep an open mind.

Physical activity is also a good way to maintain your memory. It acts, indeed, also on the brain. A few hours of walking per week, practicing yoga, gentle gymnastics, or even swimming after 60 helps you stay toned with positive consequences on your memory.

Another tip for maintaining your memory after 60:most universities offer courses specifically for seniors on various topics. A good way to always sharpen your curiosity, learn and keep your mind sharp.

4 - Digital technology, a tool for maintaining memory after 60

New technologies also bring their share of benefits, including the possibility of maintaining one's memory after 60 years. Learning to use a computer, a tablet, training in the use of social networks, playing video games, etc., all contribute to stimulating the brain even as we get older.

You can absolutely learn to use digital tools alone at home, but there are also very often workshops organized by town halls or associations, for example, which give the possibility of understanding these new technologies in groups. A good way to exercise your brain, and therefore your memory, in a group, which is certainly more pleasant and also allows you to expand your circle of acquaintances.

5 - A balanced diet maintains memory

To maintain your memory after 60, it is important to eat well and have a balanced diet. The trick is to favor foods rich in omega 3 as much as possible.

This nutrient is indeed particularly essential for the proper functioning of the brain and therefore for memory, among other things.

The foods that contain the most omega 3 are fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring and all fish eggs in general.

Walnuts, raspberries, blueberries, lamb's lettuce, spinach, lettuce, eggs and rapeseed oil in particular are also very good for maintaining memory. Do not hesitate to consume them without moderation!