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Fat and sweet are to be banned as you age:true or false?

Fat and sweet are to be banned as you age:true or false?

Eating well is essential for good health. However, a person's nutritional needs are constantly changing. The diet of seniors must therefore be adapted to their age but also to their possible pathologies. They have, for example, special needs. With age, it is recommended to reduce fat and sugar intake. Why ? Here are our answers!

What is a balanced diet?

While almost half of the French population suffers from overweight or obesity (47%), we all ask ourselves a question:what is a balanced diet? Here are some guidelines for eating better.

Give pride of place to essential foods

Fruits and vegetables are a great source of vitamins. Moreover, it is recommended to eat 5 a day. But if you can do better, don't hesitate! Fruits and vegetables are eaten raw or cooked. In the kitchen, you can transform them as you wish to obtain purees, compotes, soups, gratins, cakes, pies or even pan-fried. It is recommended to consume between 500 and 800 grams of fruits and vegetables per day. Choose seasonal products and, when possible, local products. Thus profits will be maximized.

In addition to fruits and vegetables, you should consume 3-4 dairy products every day. These allow you to fill up with calcium and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. This pathology is characterized by a decrease in bone density. Depending on your weight, it may be wise to favor lean dairy products such as yogurts or fresh cheeses.

Making complete meals

Eating a balanced diet also means making complete meals. As you've heard before:breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It must consist of:

  • a hot drink (tea or coffee),
  • a grain product (bread or cereal),
  • a source of protein (yogurt, cheese or ham),
  • fresh fruit or fruit juice.

Lunch and dinner must also be complete. The composition is similar:

  • meat, fish or egg,
  • starches,
  • vegetables and/or legumes.

If you are hungry during the day, snacks are possible. However, they must be healthy and consist of dairy and fruit. Dried fruits are excellent appetite suppressants!

Foods to eat in moderation

Alcohol should be consumed in moderation. But that's not all ! In your diet, you must limit industrial foods. All processed foods are too fatty, too sweet or too salty. They promote weight gain and can increase the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

It is better to cook raw products yourself. If you prepare all your meals, you will be healthier. And let's face it:it's more greedy!

The nutritional needs of seniors

Seniors have different nutritional needs. After 60, it is highly recommended to review your diet. Of course, the benchmarks are close to previous habits. You must consume:

  • at least 5 fruits and vegetables every day,
  • at least 3 dairy products,
  • meat, fish or eggs once or twice a day,
  • starches and pulses,
  • 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day.

With age, energy expenditure decreases. Because you are retired, you may be less active. Your basic metabolism also consumes fewer calories. It is therefore necessary to reduce its intake by about 20%.

To reduce the risk of deficiencies, it is advisable to give pride of place to seafood products for their omega 3 and iodine content, but also to fruits and vegetables for essential vitamins and minerals.

Should you reduce your sugar consumption?

Sugar is ubiquitous in our diet. Yet it is very dangerous. Overconsumption is accompanied by many health risks and these are even more important after the age of 60. The dangers of sugar are as follows.

  • The immune system is weakened.
  • Skin aging is accelerating.
  • Stomach pains are increasing.
  • Digestive disorders are more numerous.
  • Sleep is disturbed.
  • The risk of cardiovascular disease is higher.
  • Triglyceride and cholesterol levels increase.

Should we quit sugar? The answer is no. you don't have to ban sugar from your diet unless your doctor tells you to. On the other hand, to ensure your daily well-being, we recommend that you reduce your consumption. The recommended daily amount is 25 grams per day. That's not much!

Should you reduce your fat intake when you are senior?

Eating fat is bad for your health at every age, and therefore after 60. As with sugar, fat should not be banned. On the other hand, it is necessary to bet on the good fat to stay healthy. Processed products, and therefore industrial products, are to be banned. On the other hand, some fats are good for your health if they are consumed in limited quantities. Among them are:

  • Vegetable oils such as olive oil, sunflower oil or rapeseed oil,
  • Nuts such as almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts,
  • Fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, herring or mackerel,
  • The lawyer.

The bad fats are those found in fried foods, crisps, cold cuts and cheese. They should be kept to a minimum!

Why should you review your diet after 60?

Reducing your sugar and fat intake after 60 is essential for good health. In addition to maintaining a healthy weight and slowing down the aging of the body, a good diet helps protect your heart and arteries, and therefore reduces the risk of heart and cardiovascular diseases. Balanced menus on a daily basis also allow you to be in good shape, reduce fatigue and have a steely morale.

Finally, seniors are not immune to surgery. If you need to have a hip prosthesis or have surgery, the risks associated with the procedure are reduced if you are in good health. Eating well is preserving yourself!