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Homeopathy:Homeopathic strains and dilutions

In homeopathy, it is a basic principle, homeopathic strains are diluted. CH, DH, high, medium and low dilution, each has its interest. We explain!

What are the origins of homeopathic strains?

Homeopathy uses more than 3000 different strains from the plant, animal or chemical world, all are described in the French pharmacopoeia.

80% of strains are of plant origin :plants are collected from their natural habitat whether they are wild or cultivated. The species is well determined botanically and the part to be used. Organic plants are also a guarantee of quality.

19% homeopathic strains are of animal origin (e.g. Apis Mellifica, Cantharis Vesicatoria…) or mineral (Calcarea Sulfurica, Ferrum Phosphoricum…).

1% strains are of chemical origin (Arsenicum Album, Natrum Sulfuricum…).

The different forms of homeopathic remedies

The homeopathic strains are marketed under their Latin name with a number indicating their dilution. For example arnica montana 9 ch (strain of the arnica plant, diluted 9 times to one hundredth).
Most homeopathic strains are "unitary", that is to say obtained from a single substance. Some strains are said to be "composite", made from several substances, which is practical for self-medication because it is not easy to find the similimum on your own (the homeopathic remedy best suited to the patient's situation).

The making of homeopathic remedies

The substances are first macerated in a mixture of water and alcohol to obtain a homeopathic mother tincture (TM). It is from this TM that all successive dilutions will be made.

Granules and globules

Granule tubes and globule doses are the main presentations of homeopathic medicines.

These are small balls of sugar (lactose and sucrose, or only sucrose depending on the brand, choose carefully according to your lactose tolerance) which are impregnated with the homeopathic solution at the desired dilution. A granule tube contains approximately 80 granules, which are generally to be taken in several doses, under the tongue away from meals. The globules are smaller than the granules, and are to be taken all at once, always under the tongue.

Oral solutions or drops

Prepared from the homeopathic mother tincture, successive dilutions reduce the amount of alcohol they contain. They are taken daily in appropriate doses and always diluted in water. A drop dosage makes it possible to be precise, but the drops always constitute a supply of alcohol.

Other shapes

These are tablets, composed of sucrose and lactose, impregnated with the homeopathic remedy. There are also ointments, syrups and suppositories.

Homeopathic dilutions and potency

Once the homeopathic mother tincture has been made, it will undergo a certain number of dilutions and will be "shaken vigorously" between each of them. This potency makes the homeopathic remedy effective according to Hahnemann.

Hahnemannian dilutions

Hundredth dilutions (CH) (Hahnemanian centesimal dilution)

This is the dilution method devised by Hahnemann. These dilutions are those most often used. It consists in carrying out successive dilutions to the hundredth. 1 dilution to the hundredth is worth 1 CH (Hahnemannian centesimal), a 9 CH for example, corresponds to 9 dilutions to the hundredth and therefore to 9 potencies.

1 drop of mother tincture of a substance is mixed with 99 drops of solvent (hydro-alcoholic solution) then shaken vigorously a hundred times (dynamization) to give the first Hahnemannian centesimal (1 CH).

A drop of this solution diluted at 1 CH is mixed with 99 drops of solvent and dynamized to obtain the second dilution (2 CH), i.e. a dilution to one hundredth of the dilution at 1 CH, therefore a dilution to 1/10,000th of the basic substance.

And so on, the maximum dilution authorized in France is 30 CH.

Dilutions to tenths (DH Decimal Hahnemanian dilution)

There are also tenth dilutions according to the same principle:1 drop of TM added to 9 drops of solvent gives the first tenth dilution 1 DH. It takes 2 successive tenth dilutions to be equivalent to a hundredth dilution (2DH=1 CH), these preparations are therefore more energized.

Dilution Focus Decimal scale Centesimal scale 1/1010 -1 1 DH (or 1 X) 1/10010 -2 2 DH (or 2X)1CH1/100010 -3 3 DH (or 3X) 1/1000010 -4 4 DH (or 4X)2CH1/10000010 -5 5 DH (or 5X) 1/100000010 -6 6 DH (or 6X)3CH1/10000000010 -8 8 DH (or 8X)4CH1/1(18 zeros)10 -18 18 DH (18X)9CH1/1(30 zeros)10 -30 30 DH (30X)15CH1/1(60 zeros)10 -60 60 DH (60X)30CH

Korsakovian dilutions

The preparation is carried out in a single vial, from 1 drop of TM of the basic substance added to 99 drops of solvent. After the first dynamization, the bottle is emptied and what remains on the wall constitutes the first Korsakovian dilution (1 K). A new dilution is made in the same bottle, shaken 100 times, then the bottle is emptied again. What remains on the wall gives the 2 K dilution and so on.

The impregnation with the diluted homeopathic solution

The desired dilution obtained is brought into contact with tablets, granules or globules consisting of a mixture of sugar (mixture of lactose and sucrose or only sucrose).

Low, medium and high dilutions in homeopathy

The homeopathic remedy does not act quantitatively but qualitatively, the choice of dilution is made according to the following rule:the greater the similarity between the symptoms observed during the experimentation of the substance (pathogenesis) and those of the patient, the greater the dilution used will be high. In other words, the more it is diluted, the more it is specific to the patient. Each dilution therefore has a different action on the body.

High dilutions from 10 to 30 CH

High dilutions require close observation and a collection of information more in line with a medical consultation. They are specifically adapted to the person.

High homeopathic dilutions are reserved for emotional, behavioral and psychological dysfunctions. They are used in case of sensory disturbance. They act in depth, their action is long-lasting, they do not have to be renewed too often. They are used in case of chronic or psychological pathologies. They also regulate the patient's terrain.

So, according to Hahnemann's principles, a homeopathic remedy in 30 CH is stronger than in 9 CH, even if it is more diluted!

Medium dilutions from 5 to 9 CH

They are prescribed to manage disorders related to the function of an organ, at the regional level and beyond. They are reserved in case of functional disorders.

Low dilutions from 1 CH to 4 CH (8 DH)

They are adapted to lesional problems, that is to say, linked to the anatomical damage of an organ. They are reserved for organic disorders, localized and acute conditions.

Low dilutions are more suitable for self-medication because they take care of a very general symptom found in many people.

Low dilutions are also used to perform homeopathic drainage, the aim being to stimulate the organs in charge of elimination (liver, kidney, intestines, lung, skin).

Low dilutions can be repeated frequently, their use being often prolonged.

The principle of infinitesimality (dilution) at the heart of the controversy

The many dilutions suffered by homeopathic remedies are the basis of one of the principles of this complementary medicine:infinitesimality. They are also the reason for the persistent doubt around this therapeutic method.

Some people say that from 12 CH, a homeopathic preparation theoretically no longer contains a molecule. So it couldn't be active except to have a placebo effect. Still, high potency homeopathic strains have proven themselves to homeopathic users. To date, research is continuing to determine the mechanism of action and nothing has yet been scientifically proven.

The 3 main schools of homeopathic prescriptions

Homeopathic physicians have different prescribing habits. There are 3 main schools:

The unicist school

Only one remedy is given, this one being the most individualized, that is to say the most adapted possible to the person:according to his symptoms, the terrain and his behavior. This technique is difficult and the choice of treatment is very delicate because it is rare that a single remedy covers all the symptoms.

Pluralistic homeopaths

They prescribe several homeopathic remedies at the same time in order to cover all the symptoms of the patient. This technique is the most widespread in France.

Complexist homeopaths

These doctors prescribe formulas prepared in advance and composed of several remedies. The objective is to act as widely as possible, and supplement with classic homeopathic remedies.