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Hand Osteoarthritis:The Remedy To Relieve Pain In Minutes.

Hand Osteoarthritis:The Remedy To Relieve Pain In Minutes.

Do you have pain due to osteoarthritis?

These joint pains are often localized in the joints of the hands...

...but also in the knee, ankles, toes or in the cervical area.

Despite the medication, the pain does not pass or remains diffuse, and it rots daily life.

Fortunately, there is a natural remedy to relieve osteoarthritis pain in just minutes.

The effective treatment is to put a clay poultice on it . Watch:

Hand Osteoarthritis:The Remedy To Relieve Pain In Minutes.

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Additional tips
  • Bonus tip
  • Why does it work?

What you need

- 4 tablespoons of green clay

- cold water

- bowl

- wooden spoon

- laundry

How to

1. Put the clay in the bowl.

2. Add a little water.

3. Stir with the wooden spoon to obtain a paste.

4. Once the clay paste is obtained, spread it on the painful areas.

5. Put a cloth over it to protect the area and keep the heat in.

6. Leave on for at least 1 hour.

7. Rinse with clean water.


And There you go ! You healed your joints in minutes :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

Do not hesitate to renew the treatment as many times as you wish.

As it is completely natural, there is no risk of side effects.

You can also use lukewarm water to mix the clay.

The warm clay poultice also relieves the joints.

Additional advice

Do not leave the clay on your skin for more than 2 hours, or form a dry crust.

This would be counterproductive, because instead of bringing out the toxins and trapping them, the clay will release them back into the body.

Of course, osteoarthritis healing won't be complete with just clay...

...but the reduction in pain leads to a noticeable and lasting improvement quickly.

Bonus tip

Did you know that you can also make the poultice with a green cabbage leaf?

Slightly crush the cabbage leaf with a rolling pin.

Then, coat it with clay and place it all on the painful area. Leave on for 1 to 2 hours before rinsing.

Why does it work?

The clay has anti-inflammatory properties that will prevent joint swelling and therefore pain.

Its purifying properties cleanse the area and draw out toxins from the skin.

Rich in minerals, green clay helps to remineralize the joints and allows the regeneration of cartilage and the reduction of pain.

Hand Osteoarthritis:The Remedy To Relieve Pain In Minutes.